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Windows Admin Center update 1910.2 is now generally available!

Guten Abend zusammen,
Windows Admin Center version 1910.2, which was released to Windows Insiders last month, is now generally available. Version 1910.2 is a cumulative update to our 1910 GA release from last November that includes updates to the platform’s accessibility and numerous bug fixes. Users who have installed version 1910.2 through the Windows Insider Program may continue to use the same version.

In addition to bug fixes, we’ve evaluated user feedback and have implemented some highly requested features. Your contributions through user feedback continue to help inform and prioritize future investments to improve your user experience.

Quelle: Windows Admin Center update 1910.2 is now generally available!.


Content-Key: 564825

Url: https://administrator.de/contentid/564825

Printed on: June 2, 2024 at 02:06 o'clock