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Linux Debian RBL Monitoring Server

Hallo zusammen

Kennt jemand ein gutes Howto oder programm für Debian welches eine Anzahl eigener IPs von Mailservern regelmässig
prüft ob sie auf RBL sind wie z.B. Spamhaus sind?

Es sollte bei einer Listung umgehend ein Mail an ein oder zwei Postfächer senden.

Vielen Dank und Gruss

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Printed on: April 16, 2024 at 23:04 o'clock

Member: adminst
adminst Jan 23, 2009 at 22:30:32 (UTC)
Goto Top
Ich habe folgendes Skript gefunden, meine Frage: Wo oder wie kann ich da die IPs definieren und wo oder wie kann ich in diesem Skript das Resultat per Mail an jemanden senden?



  1. rbl.monitor - check RBL blacklists for an IP address. Uses asynch I/O
  2. to send all the requests simultaneously

my $usage="\
Usage: rbl.monitor [options] hostname [...]

Options [and default values]:

--listfile <list of RBL domains> [preset list, see script]
--rbllist <comma separated list of RBL domains>
--timeout <master timeout> [60 seconds]
--debug [off]

use strict;

use Net::DNS;
use IO::Select;
use Getopt::Long;

my %opt;
) or die $usage;

my $selecttimeout = 5;

  1. Default RBLs to check - just a few of the lists most likely to block mail
  2. Sites with specific needs should customize via the command line
my @rbls2check=(

if ($listfile) {
die "$0: cannot open list file \"$listfile\": $!\n";
@rbls2check= grep !/^\s*#/, <LIST>;
@rbls2check= grep !/^\s*$/, @rbls2check;
map {chomp} @rbls2check;
close LIST;
die "$0: no RBL names found in \"$listfile\"\n" unless @rbls2check;

if ($rbllist) {
@rbls2check= split(',', $rbllist);

print "*** checking these RBLs:\n " . join("\n ", @rbls2check) . "\n"
if $debug;

my (@summary, @detail);
my @sockets;

my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
my $sel = IO::Select->new();
my $starttime= time;

my %hostpart2host;

  1. gethostbyname is non-reentrant, so do all the queries up front
foreach my $host (@ARGV) {
my $hostdata= gethostbyname($host);
if (!defined($hostdata)) {
push @summary, $host;
push @detail, "$host: bad hostname";
my $hostpart= join(".", reverse(unpack("C4", $hostdata)));
$hostpart2host{$hostpart}= $host;

  1. start all the queries
foreach my $hostpart (keys %hostpart2host) {
foreach my $rbl (@rbls2check) {
my $dnssock= $res->bgsend(join(".", $hostpart, $rbl));
push @sockets, $dnssock;

while ($sel->handles > 0) {
my @ready = $sel->can_read($selecttimeout);
if ( (time - $starttime) > $timeout) { # waited too long?
push @detail, "TIMEOUT: " . scalar($sel->handles) . " responses
still pending";
foreach my $sock (@ready) {
my ($authority, $ipaddress, $hostpart, $host);
my $packet = $res->bgread($sock);
foreach my $rr ($packet->answer) {
if ($rr->type eq "A") {
$ipaddress= $rr->address;
$authority= $rr->name;
if ($authority=~ /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\./) {
$hostpart= $1;
$host= $hostpart2host{$hostpart};
} else { $host= "???" }
push @summary, $host
unless grep /^$host$/, @summary;
push @detail, "$host: $authority: " .

print join(" ", (sort @summary)) if (@summary);
print "\n";

print join("\n", (sort @detail)), "\n" if @detail;

exit 1 if @summary;
exit 0;