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Kleine Korrektur in TYPO3-Template erforderlich

Hallo zusammen,

mir ist die Betreuung einer WebSite zugefallen, deren Administrator und Tamplate-Bauer längere Zeit nicht zur Verfügung stehen wird. Mich stört aber ein Anzeigeproblem in der Extension TT-News. Da erscheint das Bild nämlich zwischen Datum und eigentlichem Beitrag:


Zur Behebung des Problems würde ich die Anzeige des Beitragsdatum gerne komplett deaktivieren. Ich habe vom Aufbau von Typo3-Tamplates überhaupt keine Ahnung. Ich habe mir das TT-News-Template zwar schon angeschaut, finde aber nicht den Code, der fpr die Datumsanzeige verantwortlich ist. Vielleicht hat von Euch jemand Ahnung, daher hier das Template:

Bereich "Konstanten"
# These are the default TS-constants for tt_news

plugin.tt_news {
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_basic/file/1; type=text; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.templateFile
  file.templateFile = fileadmin/ack/design/tt_news_v3_template.html

    # cat=plugin_tt_news_basic/links/10; type=text; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.pid_list
  pid_list = 0
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_basic/links/12; type=int+; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.singlePid
  singlePid = 0
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_basic/links/20; type=int+; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.backPid
  backPid = 0
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_basic/links/30; type=text; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.archiveTypoLink.parameter
  archiveTypoLink.parameter = 0
      # cat=plugin_tt_news_basic//40; type=int+; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.limit
  limit = 7
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_basic//50; type=int+; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.latestLimit
  latestLimit = 3
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_basic//70; type=int+; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.recursive
  recursive = 2
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/enable/10; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.allowCaching
  allowCaching = 1
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/enable/15; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.useHRDates
  useHRDates = 1
      # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/enable/20; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.useSubCategories
  useSubCategories = 1
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/enable/30; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.showCatRootline
  showCatRootline = 0

    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/enable/50; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.useBidirectionalRelations
  useBidirectionalRelations = 1
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/enable/60; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.usePagesRelations
  usePagesRelations = 1

      # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/enable/70; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.showRelatedNewsByCategory
  showRelatedNewsByCategory = 0
     # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/enable/80; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.displaySubCategories
  displaySubCategories = 0
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/enable/90; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.useSPidFromCategory
  useSPidFromCategory = 0

    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/enable/91; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.useMultiPageSingleView
  useMultiPageSingleView = 0

    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/enable/96; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.showTitleAsPrevNextLink
  showTitleAsPrevNextLink = 1
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/enable/98; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.noIconsInRelatedNews
  noIconsInRelatedNews = 0

    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced//50; type=int+; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.datetimeDaysToArchive
  datetimeDaysToArchive = 0
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced//60; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.enableArchiveDate
  enableArchiveDate = 1

    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced//70; type=int; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.catTextMode
  catTextMode = 1
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced//80; type=int; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.catImageMode
  catImageMode = 1

    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/dims/10; type=int+; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.singleMaxW
  singleMaxW = 225
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/dims/20; type=int+; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.singleMaxH
  singleMaxH = 180

    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/dims/30; type=int+; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.latestMaxW
  latestMaxW = 60
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/dims/40; type=int+; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.latestMaxH
  latestMaxH = 40

    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/dims/50; type=int+; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.listMaxW
  listMaxW = 120
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/dims/60; type=int+; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.listMaxH
  listMaxH = 90

    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/dims/70; type=options[resize2max,crop,resize]; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.listImageMode
  listImageMode = resize2max
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_advanced/dims/70; type=options[resize2max,crop,resize]; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.latestImageMode
  latestImageMode = resize2max

    # cat=plugin_tt_news_catmenu//10; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.displayCatMenu.showNewsCountForCategories
  displayCatMenu.showNewsCountForCategories = 0

    # cat=plugin_tt_news_catmenu//20; type=options[tree,ajaxtree,nestedWraps]; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.displayCatMenu.mode
  displayCatMenu.mode = ajaxtree
      # cat=plugin_tt_news_catmenu//30; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.displayCatMenu.expandable
  displayCatMenu.expandable = 1

      # cat=plugin_tt_news_catmenu//40; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.displayCatMenu.expandAll
  displayCatMenu.expandAll = 0
      # cat=plugin_tt_news_catmenu//50; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.displayCatMenu.expandFirst
  displayCatMenu.expandFirst = 1
    # cat=plugin_tt_news_catmenu//60; type=options[-1,0,1,2]; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.displayCatMenu.catmenuIconMode
  displayCatMenu.catmenuIconMode = 0

    # cat=plugin_tt_news_catmenu//70; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.displayCatMenu.catmenuNoRootIcon
  displayCatMenu.catmenuNoRootIcon = 0

    # cat=plugin_tt_news_catmenu//80; type=boolean; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.catmenuWithArchiveParams
  catmenuWithArchiveParams = 0

    # cat=plugin_tt_news_archivemenu//40; type=options[month,year,quarter]; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.archiveMode
  archiveMode = month

  # cat=plugin_tt_news_archivemenu//61; type=text; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.amenuStart
  amenuStart = -4 years

  # cat=plugin_tt_news_archivemenu//62; type=text; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.amenuEnd
  amenuEnd = now
   # cat=plugin_tt_news_archivemenu//70; type=text; label= LLL:EXT:tt_news/locallang.xml:tsce.amenuWithCatSelector
  amenuWithCatSelector = 1

#  TSConstantEditor.plugin_tt_news_basic {
#      header = header
#      description = test
#  }

### CVS id ###
# $Id$

Bereich "Setup"
# This is the default TS-setup for the new tt_news standard html template: EXT:tt_news/pi/res/tt_news_v3_template.html
# (see Section Reference in the manual for more options & parameters)
# tt_news v 3.0.0

# Includes the newsLib:
includeLibs.ts_news = EXT:tt_news/pi/class.tx_ttnews.php

# Fix for TYPO3 4.6:
tt_content.list.20.9 = CASE
tt_content.list.20.9 {
    key.field = layout
    0 = < plugin.tt_news

plugin.tt_news = USER
plugin.tt_news {

  # stdWrap for the complete plugin output
  stdWrap.wrap =

  # template file
  templateFile = {$plugin.tt_news.file.templateFile}

  # page(s) where the news articles are stored -> "Starting point"  
  pid_list = {$plugin.tt_news.pid_list}

  # extend "pid_list" by the number of recursive levels.  
  recursive = {$plugin.tt_news.recursive}

  # ignore "pid_list" and "recursive". This saves a lot of processing time in huge pagetrees, but it has the disadvantage that the "enable fields" (hidden, start, stop ...) of the pages with news are ignored, too.  
  dontUsePidList = 0

  # exclude news from display in a plugin, if they've been displayed already by another plugin on the same page.  
  excludeAlreadyDisplayedNews = 1

  # page for the Single view
  singlePid = {$plugin.tt_news.singlePid}

  # decides which template part is taken for displaying news
  code =

  # maximum number of news all lists but latest
  limit = {$plugin.tt_news.limit}

  # maximum number of news in "latest"  
  latestLimit = {$plugin.tt_news.latestLimit}

  # page where the "back to list" link in single view links to  
  backPid = {$plugin.tt_news.backPid}

  # don't add plugin GETvars to the singleview link  
  dontUseBackPid = 1

  # enable optionSplit for parameters in displayList and displayLatest
  enableOptionSplit = 1

  # int/optionSplit of the template part number(s)
  altLayoutsOptionSplit =

  # number of alternating template parts (is ignored if altLayoutsOptionSplit is set)
  alternatingLayouts =

  # typolink configuration for news with type "internal link" or "external URL"  
  pageTypoLink.parameter.current = 1

  # allow news plugins to be cached
  allowCaching = {$plugin.tt_news.allowCaching}

  ignoreEnableFields {
    starttime = 0
    endtime = 0

   *    SINGLE news settings:

  # divide the singleview to multiple pages
  useMultiPageSingleView = {$plugin.tt_news.useMultiPageSingleView}

  # insert pagebreaks to the singleview after a certain number of words
  maxWordsInSingleView = 0

  appendSViewPBtoContent = 0
  useParagraphAsPagebreak = 0

  displaySingle {
    age_stdWrap.age = 1
    age_stdWrap.wrap = |<br />
    textNewsAge_stdWrap.wrap =
    date_stdWrap.strftime= %d.%m.%Y
    time_stdWrap.strftime= %H:%M
    title_stdWrap.wrap =

    author_stdWrap.typolink.parameter.field = author_email
    author_stdWrap.wrap = |<br />
    preAuthor_stdWrap.noTrimWrap = || |
    author_stdWrap.required = 1

    category_stdWrap.wrap = |<br />
    email_stdWrap.setContentToCurrent = 1
    email_stdWrap.typolink.parameter.current = 1

    subheader_stdWrap {
      wrap = <h2>|</h2>
      trim = 1
      required = 1
      parseFunc < lib.parseFunc_RTE
      parseFunc.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines.nonWrappedTag >

    content_stdWrap.parseFunc < lib.parseFunc_RTE
    content_stdWrap.parseFunc.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines.addAttributes.P >

    # stdWrap for "additional info" (links, files, related news)  
    addInfo_stdWrap.wrap = <div class="news-single-additional-info"> | </div>  

    links_stdWrap.wrap = <dl class="news-single-links">|</dl>  
    linksHeader_stdWrap.wrap = <dt>|</dt>
    linksItem_stdWrap >
    linksItem_stdWrap {
      parseFunc < lib.parseFunc_RTE
      parseFunc.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines {
        nonWrappedTag >
        innerStdWrap_all.wrap = <dd>|</dd>

    nextPrevRecSortingField = datetime
    reversePrevNextOrder = 0

    showTitleAsPrevNextLink = {$plugin.tt_news.showTitleAsPrevNextLink}
    prevLinkTitle_stdWrap.wrap =
    prevLinkLabel_stdWrap.wrap = &lt;&nbsp;|
    prevLink_stdWrap.wrap =

    nextLinkTitle_stdWrap.wrap =
    nextLinkLabel_stdWrap.wrap = |&nbsp;&gt;
    nextLink_stdWrap.wrap = <div style="float:right;">|</div>  

    imageCount = 10
    imgAltTextField = imagecaption
    imageWrapIfAny = <div class="news-single-img"> | </div>  
    imageMarkerOptionSplit =

    caption_stdWrap {
      trim = 1
      required =
      wrap =
      dataWrap = <p class="news-single-imgcaption" style="width:{TSFE:lastImageInfo|0}px;">|</p>  


  displaySingle.image {
    file.maxW = {$plugin.tt_news.singleMaxW}
    file.maxH = {$plugin.tt_news.singleMaxH}

#   altText = TEXT
#    altText {
#        field = imagealttext
#        stripHtml = 1
#        split.token.char = 10
#        split.token.if.isTrue = {$styles.content.imgtext.imageTextSplit}
# = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
#    }

#    titleText < .altText
#    titleText.field = imagetitletext

    wrap =
    imageLinkWrap = 1
    imageLinkWrap {
      enable = 1
      bodyTag = <body bgColor="#ffffff" style="margin:0;">  
      wrap = <a href="javascript:close();"> | </a>  
      width = 800m
      height = 600
      JSwindow = 1
      JSwindow.newWindow = 1
      JSwindow.expand = 0,0

   *    LIST news settings:

  displayList {
    age_stdWrap.age = 1
    textNewsAge_stdWrap.wrap =
    date_stdWrap.strftime= %d.%m.%Y
    time_stdWrap.strftime= %H:%M

    # Don't display caption in List view  
    caption_stdWrap.if.directReturn = 0

    title_stdWrap.wrap =

    subheader_stdWrap {
      stripHtml = 1
      crop = 230 | ... | 1
      ifEmpty.field = bodytext

      # the "more" link is directly appended to the subheader  
      append = TEXT = register:newsMoreLink
      append.wrap = <div class="news-list-morelink">|</div>  
      # display the "more" link only if the field bodytext contains something  
      append.if.isTrue.field = bodytext

      outerWrap = <p>|</p>

    author_stdWrap.wrap =
    preAuthor_stdWrap.noTrimWrap = || |
    imageWrapIfAny =

    category_stdWrap.wrap = <div class="news-list-category"> | </div>  
    imgAltTextField = imagecaption

    linkTitleField = title
    linkTitleField.wrap =
    linkAltField = short
    linkAltField.wrap =
    listImageMode = {$plugin.tt_news.listImageMode}
  displayList.image {
    file.maxW = {$plugin.tt_news.listMaxW}
    file.maxH = {$plugin.tt_news.listMaxH}
    imageLinkWrap = 1

    # stdWrap which is used when there's no image at all  
    noImage_stdWrap.wrap =

   *    LATEST news settings:

  # if set, a LATEST plugin changes its contents when a category is selected in the category menu
  latestWithCatSelector = 0
  # display archived news in LATEST
  displayArchivedInLatest = 0

  displayLatest {
    age_stdWrap.age = 1
    date_stdWrap.strftime= %d.%m.%Y
    time_stdWrap.strftime= %H:%M
    caption_stdWrap.if.directReturn = 0
    subheader_stdWrap {
      stripHtml = 1
      crop = 100 | ... | 1
      ifEmpty.field = bodytext
      outerWrap = <p>|</p>
    imageCount = 1
    imgAltTextField = imagecaption
    imageWrapIfAny =
    category_stdWrap.wrap = <div class="news-latest-category"> | </div>  
    categoryItem_stdWrap.wrap =

    linkTitleField = title
    linkTitleField.wrap =
    linkAltField = short
    linkAltField.wrap =
    latestImageMode = {$plugin.tt_news.latestImageMode}
  displayLatest.image {
    file.maxW = {$plugin.tt_news.latestMaxW}
    file.maxH = {$plugin.tt_news.latestMaxH}
    imageLinkWrap = 1

    stdWrap.spaceAfter = 0

   *    Pagebrowser settings:

  # use the extended pagebrowser
  usePiBasePagebrowser = 0

  pageBrowser {
    maxPages = 7
    showResultCount = 0
    showPBrowserText = 0
    dontLinkActivePage = 1

    showFirstLast = 0
    pagefloat = center
    showRange = 0
    hscText = 0

    showResultsNumbersWrap = |
    browseBoxWrap = <div class="news-list-browse">|</div>  
    showResultsWrap = <div class="showResultsWrap">|</div>  
    browseLinksWrap = <div class="browseLinksWrap">|</div>  
    disabledLinkWrap = <span class="disabledLinkWrap">|</span>  
    inactiveLinkWrap = |
    activeLinkWrap = <span class="activeLinkWrap">|</span>  
    activeLinkWrap.stdWrap.wrap = <span class="activeLinkWrap">|</span>  


  singleViewPageBrowser {
    maxPages = 10
    showResultCount = 0
    showPBrowserText = 0
    dontLinkActivePage = 1

    showFirstLast = 0
    pagefloat = center
    showRange = 0
    hscText = 0

    showResultsNumbersWrap = |
    browseBoxWrap = <div class="news-single-browse">|</div>  
    showResultsWrap = <div class="showResultsWrap">|</div>  
    browseLinksWrap = <div class="browseLinksWrap">|</div>  
    disabledLinkWrap = <span class="disabledLinkWrap">|</span>  
    inactiveLinkWrap = |
    activeLinkWrap = <span class="activeLinkWrap">|</span>  
    activeLinkWrap.stdWrap.wrap = <span class="activeLinkWrap">|</span>  


   *    settings for categories:

  # Configures how news are selected by category:
  # 2 = Show news which have all selected categories assigned (AND)
  # 1 = Show news which have at least one of the selected categories assigned (OR)
  # 0 = Show all. Don't care about category selections  
  # -1 = Show news which not have all of the selected categories assigned (AND)
  # -2 = Show news which have none of the selected categories assigned (OR)
  categoryMode = 0

  # show only news with selected categories
  categorySelection =

  # extend categorySelection by subcategories
  useSubCategories = {$plugin.tt_news.useSubCategories}

  # disables "useSubCategories" for plugins with categoryMode = 2  
  ignoreUseSubcategoriesForAndSelection = 1

  # display subcategories of assigned categories in news articles
  displaySubCategories = {$plugin.tt_news.displaySubCategories}

  # show a list of news belonging to the same category in single view
  showRelatedNewsByCategory = {$plugin.tt_news.showRelatedNewsByCategory}

  # use singlePid from category record instead of global singlePid
  useSPidFromCategory = {$plugin.tt_news.useSPidFromCategory}

  # go up in the category "rootline" until a singlePid has been found  
  useSPidFromCategoryRecusive = 1

  # divider for categories in news articles
  categoryDivider = ,

  # stdWrap for the category divider
  categoryDivider_stdWrap.noTrimWrap = || |

  # Category Text mode: posible values are: 0 = don't display, 1 = display but no link, 2 = link to category shortcut, 3 = act as category selector.  
  catTextMode = {$plugin.tt_news.catTextMode}
  # Category Image mode: same values as catTextMode.
  catImageMode = {$plugin.tt_news.catImageMode}

  # maximum width for category images
  catImageMaxWidth = 25

  # maximum heihgt for category images
  catImageMaxHeight = 25

  # maximum number of displayed category images in a news article
  maxCatImages = 10

  # maximum number of displayed category titles in a news article
  maxCatTexts = 10

  # order categories by this field.
  catOrderBy =

   *    setting for the category menu (CATMENU):

  # page where the category menu links point to. If not set the current page is taken.
  catSelectorTargetPid =

  # if set, the currently selected archive period (year & month) is added to the catmenu links (requires useHRDates=1)
  catmenuWithArchiveParams = {$plugin.tt_news.catmenuWithArchiveParams}

  displayCatMenu {
    # list of page IDs where the categories for the menu are stored (overrides GRSP if given)
    catPidList =
    # extend "catPidList" by the number of recursive levels  
    recursive =

    # catmenu rendermode:
    # nestedWraps = make a catmenu with nested wraps
    # tree = use TYPO3 class treeview to build an expandable menu
    # ajaxtree = expandable menu with ajax (requires TYPO3 >= 4.1)

    mode = {$plugin.tt_news.displayCatMenu.mode}

    # include prototype js library (required for catmenu mode "ajaxtree")  
    includePrototypeJS = 1
    showNewsCountForCategories = {$plugin.tt_news.displayCatMenu.showNewsCountForCategories}

    # enable expand/collapse for the category menu
    expandable = {$plugin.tt_news.displayCatMenu.expandable}
    # completely expand the category menu on first load
    expandAll = {$plugin.tt_news.displayCatMenu.expandAll}
    # keep the first level of the category menu expanded
    expandFirst = {$plugin.tt_news.displayCatMenu.expandFirst}

    # stdWrap for the complete category menu
    catmenu_stdWrap.wrap = <div class="news-catmenu">|</div>  

     # stdWrap for the category menu header in "nestedWraps" mode  
    catmenuHeader_stdWrap.wrap = <p class="news-catmenu-header">|</p>  

    # which icons to use for the category menu
    # 1 = icon from cat record
    # 2 = own icons
    # 0 = default icon
    # -1 = no icon
    catmenuIconMode = {$plugin.tt_news.displayCatMenu.catmenuIconMode}

    # if "catmenuIconMode" = "2" all catmenu images (join, line ...) are expected in this path (relative)  
    catmenuIconPath =

    # icon for all categories if "catmenuIconMode" = 2  
    catmenuIconFile = EXT:tt_news/res/arrow.gif

    catmenuIconFile {
      # icon size for "catmenuIconMode" 1 & 2  
      width = 18
      height = 16

    # disables the "root" icon of the category tree  
    catmenuNoRootIcon = {$plugin.tt_news.displayCatMenu.catmenuNoRootIcon}

    # insert the category description as title attribute in catmenu links
    insertDescrAsTitle = 1

    # userdefined root icon
    catmenuRootIconFile =

    catmenuRootIconFile {
      # size of userdefined root icon
      width = 18
      height = 16

    # wraps for active category links in the tree (only in mode "nestedWraps")  
    catmenuItem_ACT_stdWrap.wrap = <div class="news-catmenu-ACT">|</div>  

    # wraps for inactive category links in the tree (only in mode "nestedWraps")  
    catmenuItem_NO_stdWrap.wrap = <div class="news-catmenu-NO">|</div>  

    # wraps for each menu level (only in mode "nestedWraps")  
    catmenuLevel1_stdWrap.wrap = <div class="level1">|</div>  
    catmenuLevel2_stdWrap.wrap = <div class="level2">|</div>  
    catmenuLevel3_stdWrap.wrap = <div class="level3">|</div>  
    catmenuLevel4_stdWrap.wrap = <div class="level4">|</div>  

  # settings for the category rootline
  catRootline {
    # render the category rootline to the marker ###NEWS_CATEGORY_ROOTLINE###
      showCatRootline = {$plugin.tt_news.showCatRootline}

      # stdWrap for the category rootline
      catRootline_stdWrap.wrap = <div class="news-catRootline">|</div>  

    # link the category title to the page which is configured as category shortcut
    linkTitles = 1

    # stdWrap for a single category title in the category rootline
    title_stdWrap.wrap =

    # divider for category titles in the category rootline
    divider = &nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;

   *    Archive settings (AMENU):

  archiveMode = {$plugin.tt_news.archiveMode}
  archive = 0
  emptyArchListAtStart = 0

  # This enables the use of the GETvars "year" and "month" for the archive links instead of "pS", "pL" and "arc".  
  useHRDates = {$plugin.tt_news.useHRDates}

  # add "year", "month" and "day" to links pointing to the single view  
  useHRDatesSingle = 0

  # add only "year" and "month" to links pointing to the single view  
  useHRDatesSingleWithoutDay = 0

  # page id for the archive link in "LATEST" template  
  archiveTypoLink.parameter = {$plugin.tt_news.archiveTypoLink.parameter}

  # If this is set, elements are automatically in the archive, after the given number of days has passed.
  datetimeDaysToArchive = {$plugin.tt_news.datetimeDaysToArchive}

  # If this is set, the archive-menu selects news by their archivedate - otherwise by their datetime.
  enableArchiveDate = {$plugin.tt_news.enableArchiveDate}

  # start date for the archive menu (php strtotime() syntax. e.g.: 1.1.2002, -3 months, -10 years, now
  amenuStart = {$plugin.tt_news.amenuStart}

  # end date for the archive menu (php strtotime() syntax. e.g.: 1.1.2002, -3 months, -10 years, now
  amenuEnd = {$plugin.tt_news.amenuEnd}

  # if set, newer archive menu items are displayed first
  reverseAMenu = 1

  # don't display empty periods in archive menu  
  archiveMenuNoEmpty = 1

  # news with zero datetime will cause the amenu to search all periods starting from 1970. Disabling this is not recommanded.
  ignoreNewsWithoutDatetimeInAmenu = 1

  # never add the currently selected categories to archive links
  disableCategoriesInAmenuLinks = 0

  # if set, the archive menu changes its contents when a category is selected in the category menu and the currently selected category is added to the amenu links
  amenuWithCatSelector = {$plugin.tt_news.amenuWithCatSelector}

  # divide the archive menu to yearly periods
  showYearHeadersInAmenu = 1

  # stdWrap for the year in the archive menu
  archiveYear_stdWrap.wrap = <li class="news-amenu-item-year">|</li>  

  # CObject for a single archive menu item
  archiveTitleCObject = COA
  archiveTitleCObject {
    10 = TEXT
    10 {
       field = start
       strftime = %B %Y
       wrap =

  # content which is filled to the marker ###ARCHIVE_ACTIVE### for the selected archive period
  archiveActiveMarkerContent = class="amenu-act"  

   *    Settings for attached files:

  newsFiles_stdWrap.wrap = <dl class="news-single-files">|</dl>  
  newsFilesHeader_stdWrap.wrap = <dt>|</dt>
  newsFiles {
    path = uploads/media/
    icon = 1
    size = 1
    size.bytes = 1
    jumpurl = 0
    stdWrap.wrap = <dd>|</dd>

   *    Settings for Related News:

  # automagically display the source article as related in the related article
  useBidirectionalRelations = {$plugin.tt_news.useBidirectionalRelations}

  # display pages as related news
  usePagesRelations = {$plugin.tt_news.usePagesRelations}

  # stdWrap for the list of related news and the relatedHeader

  related_stdWrap.wrap =  <dl class="news-single-related">|</dl>  
  # stdWrap for the relatedHeader
  relatedHeader_stdWrap.wrap = <dt>|</dt>

  # icon for related news
  tmp.5 = IMAGE
  tmp.5 {
    file = EXT:tt_news/ext_icon.gif
    file.width = 18
    file.height = 16
    wrap = | &nbsp;

  # end-wrap for the getRelated objects
  tmp.20 = TEXT
  tmp.20 {
    field = datetime
    strftime = %d.%m.%Y %H:%M
    wrap = &nbsp;-&nbsp; |

  # CObject for a single related item
  getRelatedCObject = COA
  getRelatedCObject {
    groupBy =
    orderBy = datetime desc

    10 = CASE
    10.key.field = type
    # settings for 'normal' related news  
    10.default = COA
      10.default {
        wrap = <dd> | </dd>
        5 < plugin.tt_news.tmp.5
        10 = TEXT
        10.field = title
        10.typolink.parameter = {$plugin.tt_news.singlePid}
        10.typolink.useCacheHash = 1
        20 < plugin.tt_news.tmp.20
    # settings for related news, that point to internal pages
    10.1 = COA
    10.1 {
      wrap = <dd> | </dd>
      5 < plugin.tt_news.tmp.5
      10 = TEXT
      10.field = title
      10.typolink.parameter.field = page
      20 < plugin.tt_news.tmp.20
    # settings for related news, that point to external URLs
    10.2 = COA
    10.2 {
      wrap = <dd> | </dd>
      5 < plugin.tt_news.tmp.5
      10 = TEXT
      10.field = title
      10.typolink.parameter.field = ext_url
      20 < plugin.tt_news.tmp.20

  displayRelated {
    noPageBrowser = 1
    limit = 15

    noNewsToListMsg_stdWrap.wrap =
    displayList {
       age_stdWrap.age = 1
        date_stdWrap.strftime= %d.%m.%Y
        time_stdWrap.strftime= %H:%M
        caption_stdWrap.if.directReturn = 0
        subheader_stdWrap {
          stripHtml = 1
          crop = 100 | ... | 1
          ifEmpty.field = bodytext
          outerWrap = <p>|</p>
        imageCount = 1
        imgAltTextField = imagecaption
        imageWrapIfAny =
        category_stdWrap.wrap = <div class="news-latest-category"> | </div>  
        categoryItem_stdWrap.wrap =
        linkTitleField = title
        linkTitleField.wrap =
        linkAltField = short
        linkAltField.wrap =
        latestImageMode = {$plugin.tt_news.latestImageMode}
      displayList.image {
        file.maxW = {$plugin.tt_news.latestMaxW}
        file.maxH = {$plugin.tt_news.latestMaxH}
        imageLinkWrap = 1
        stdWrap.spaceAfter = 0

      de.noNewsToListMsg =
      en.noNewsToListMsg =

   *    other settings:

  userFunc = tx_ttnews->main_news

  # Example for overriding values from locallang.php with other values {
    more = weiterlesen

  # Alters behavior of tt_news to be compatible with certain previous versions. See manual for details.
  compatVersion = 3.0.0

  # stdWrap for the list of related news by category
  relatedByCategory_stdWrap.wrap =  <dl class="news-single-related">|</dl>  
  relatedByCategoryHeader_stdWrap.wrap = <dt>|</dt>
  # globalwrap 2 is used to wrap the list of related news by category
  wrap2.wrap = <dd>|</dd>
  relNewsByCategory {
    code = list
    categoryMode = 1
    noPageBrowser = 1
    limit = 15

    noNewsToListMsg_stdWrap.wrap =
    displayList {
      time_stdWrap.strftime= %H:%M
      date_stdWrap.strftime= %d.%m.%Y
      title_stdWrap.crop = 55|...
      de.noNewsToListMsg =
      en.noNewsToListMsg =

    altMainMarkers.TEMPLATE_LIST.wrap = ### | ###


  # target page for the search form
  searchPid =
  # show only the search form when the search is displayed without searching anything
  emptySearchAtStart = 1

  # parse the 'back to list' link through htmlspecialchars()  
  hscBackLink = 1

  # substitute pagetitle in single view with title of news article
  substitutePagetitle = 1

  # validate some configuration values and display a message if errors have been found
  enableConfigValidation = 1

  # stdWrap for the "no news to list" message  
  noNewsToListMsg_stdWrap.wrap = <p>|</p>
  # stdWrap for the "no archive items" message  
  archiveEmptyMsg_stdWrap.wrap =
  # stdWrap for the "no search results" message  
  searchEmptyMsg_stdWrap.wrap =
  # stdWrap for the "no news ID" message  
  noNewsIdMsg_stdWrap.wrap =

  # stdWrap for the version preview message
  versionPreviewMessage_stdWrap.wrap = <div style="border:2px solid red;padding:10px;margin:10px 0px 10px 0px;"><img src="t3lib/gfx/icon_note.gif" class="absmiddle" alt="" height="16" width="18">&nbsp;<strong>|</strong></div>  
  versionPreviewMessageLinkToOriginal_stdWrap.wrap = &nbsp;<span style="font-weight:normal;">|</span>  

  # render language label of current article to the marker ###NEWS_LANGUAGE###
  showLangLabels = 0

  # render language flag of current article to the marker ###NEWS_LANGUAGE### (appended to lang label)
  showFlags = 0

  # label for the default language (language uid = 0)
  defLangLabel = English

  # flag for the default language (language uid = 0)
  defLangImage = uk.gif

  # path/prefix for flag images
  flagPath = media/flags/flag_

  flagImage {
      # flag image configuration
    file.maxW = 16

  # Rendering of news items. re-use the RTE parseFunc configuration for normal content
  # general_stdWrap {
  #   parseFunc < tt_content.text.20.parseFunc
  # }


# This enables the "insert records" element and the TypoScript RECORDS object item to display news  
tt_news >
tt_news = < plugin.tt_news
tt_news.displayCurrentRecord = 1

[globalVar = LIT:1 = {$plugin.tt_news.noIconsInRelatedNews}]
    plugin.tt_news.getRelatedCObject.10.default.5 >
    plugin.tt_news.getRelatedCObject.10.1.5 >
    plugin.tt_news.getRelatedCObject.10.2.5 >

[globalVar = LIT:year = {$plugin.tt_news.archiveMode}]
    plugin.tt_news.archiveTitleCObject.10.strftime = %Y

[globalVar = LIT:quarter = {$plugin.tt_news.archiveMode}]
    plugin.tt_news.archiveTitleCObject >
    plugin.tt_news.archiveTitleCObject = COA
    plugin.tt_news.archiveTitleCObject {
      10 = COA
      10 {
        10= TEXT
        10 {
          field = start
          strftime = %b -&nbsp;
          wrap =
        11 = TEXT
        11 {
          field = stop
          strftime = %b %Y
          wrap =


### CVS id ###
# $Id$

## tt_news extras
## --------------
plugin.tt_news { = « mehr... » = Zurück zu: %s
displayList.age_stdWrap.age = Minuten| Std.| Tage| Jahr(e)
displaySingle.age_stdWrap.age = Minuten| Std.| Tage| Jahr(e)

plugin.tt_news {
  displaySingle {
    # Fügt Linkrelationen hinzu, billiger Trick
    prevLinkTitle_stdWrap.wrap = |" rel="prev  
    prevLinkLabel_stdWrap.wrap = |
    prevLink_stdWrap.wrap = <div style="display:none">|</div>  

    nextLinkTitle_stdWrap.wrap = |" rel="next  
    nextLinkLabel_stdWrap.wrap = |
    nextLink_stdWrap.wrap = <div style="display:none">|</div>  

plugin.tt_news {
  useMultiPageSingleView = 1
  pageBreakToken = 
  maxWordsInSingleView = 400
  useParagraphAsPagebreak = 1
  subheaderOnAllSViewPages = 0
  appendSViewPBtoContent = 0 {
  backToList = << zurück
  pi_list_browseresults_prev =  &nbsp;<&nbsp;zurück&nbsp;
  pi_list_browseresults_page =  &nbsp;
  pi_list_browseresults_next =  &nbsp;vor&nbsp;>
  # Pagebrowser konfigurieren
  usePiBasePagebrowser = 1
  pageBrowser {
            maxPages = 20
            tableParams = 0
            showPBrowserText = 1
            showFirstLast = 0
            showResultCount = 0
            dontLinkActivePage = 1
            inactiveLinkWrap = <span class="inactive">|</span>  
            browseBoxWrap = |
            browseLinksWrap = <div class="pager">|</div>  
            disabledLinkWrap = |
            activeLinkWrap = <span class="active">|</span>  

Danke im Voraus,
Sarek \\//_

Content-Key: 364292


Printed on: April 25, 2024 at 08:04 o'clock

Mitglied: 135333
135333 Feb 09, 2018 updated at 12:09:26 (UTC)
Goto Top
Schau mal in das tatsächliche Template in der Datei news_template.tmpl im Verzeichnis /res des Template-Zip-Files:


Das entsprechende CSS zum Ausblenden würde generell aber natürlich auch reichen.

Gruß snap
Member: Kraemer
Kraemer Feb 09, 2018 at 12:08:17 (UTC)
Goto Top
Moin André?,

der mir im Moment einfachste Weg scheint zu sein, mittels CSS die Anzeige zu unterbinden:

.ndate {display: none;}

Member: SarekHL
SarekHL Feb 09, 2018 at 13:03:54 (UTC)
Goto Top
Zitat von @135333:

Schau mal in das tatsächliche Template in der Datei news_template.tmpl im Verzeichnis /res des Template-Zip-Files:

Das heißt, das eigentliche Template ist gar nicht in der Datenbank gespeichert, sondern liegt als Datei vor? Ich müsste die ZIP-Datei also herunterladen, entpacken, die Datei verändern, das Ganze wieder zippen und wieder hochladen?

Kannst Du mir auch sagen, in welchem Verzeichnis auf dem WebServer diese Dateien liegen und welche Endung sie haben?

Das entsprechende CSS zum Ausblenden würde generell aber natürlich auch reichen.

Liegt das auch mit der ZIP-Datei?
Member: Kraemer
Solution Kraemer Feb 09, 2018 updated at 13:56:35 (UTC)
Goto Top
Zitat von @SarekHL:
Liegt das auch mit der ZIP-Datei?
was die Frage aussagt ist dir schon klar oder?

In der Datei
fügst du das von mir o.g. ganz hinten an. (vorher die Datei oder den Inhalt sichern!)
Besser wäre es, dass Ganze mit einem Plugin zu lösen...

Member: SarekHL
SarekHL Feb 09, 2018 at 14:11:06 (UTC)
Goto Top
Zitat von @Kraemer:

was die Frage aussagt ist dir schon klar oder?

Dass ich keine Ahnung von TYPO3 habe. Ich habe mal mit CMS made simple gearbeitet, da waren sowohl Templates als auch CSS-Definitionen in der Datenbank gespeichert und konnten somit über das Backend gepflegt werden.

Das heißt, die Extension hat keine eigene CSS-Definition? Auch das ist wieder deutlich anders als ich es kenne.
Member: Kraemer
Kraemer Feb 09, 2018 at 14:17:21 (UTC)
Goto Top
Zitat von @SarekHL:
Dass ich keine Ahnung von TYPO3 habe.
wenn das nur alles wäre

Das heißt, die Extension hat keine eigene CSS-Definition? Auch das ist wieder deutlich anders als ich es kenne.
das kann durchaus sein - keine Ahnung. Ich habe mir auf der Internetseite nur angesehen, welche css da angewendet wurde. Welche das ist und woher die kommt - wayne

Aber wie gesagt - besser über ein Plugin oder wie auch immer das bei Typo3 geregelt wird.
Member: wiesi200
wiesi200 Feb 09, 2018 at 16:46:18 (UTC)
Goto Top

nur so nebenbei. Die komplette Installation ist schon mehr als sehr alt. Hier solltest du umbedingt ein Update einplanen lassen.
Und klar sowas kostet Geld und dein Kunde hat vermutlich wie immer kein's.

Aber vor allem bei Servern die im Internet stehen sollte man do umsichtig sein. Zum einen kann da leicht für deinen Kunden Schaden entstehen zum anderen kann dein Kunde auch Schaden bei anderen erzeugen.