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MSI Package Uninstall Skript

Hallo zusammen,

ich möchte per Skript ein Tool bei den Usern deinstallieren, welches auf msi Basis damals installiert wurde.

Dafür gibt es folgenden Befehl:

msiexec.exe /x NameTool

Soweit sogut. Dummerweise geht dann aber eine Message auf wo gefragt wird wollen Sie wirklich deinstallieren (JA | NEIN).
Wie ist der Schalter damit ich auf Ja setzen kann? /y oder /yes funktioniert nicht.

Google hat mir leider nicht geholfen ;-(

Content-Key: 208609


Printed on: April 25, 2024 at 21:04 o'clock

Member: DerWoWusste
DerWoWusste Jun 25, 2013 at 11:42:24 (UTC)
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Wenn man einen Schalter zu einer bestimmten.exe sucht, schreibt man
bestimmte.exe /?
Dann findest Du ihn.
Member: bytetix
bytetix Jun 25, 2013 at 12:03:00 (UTC)
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Hallo Wissender,
super Tipp:

Windows ® Installer. V 5.0.7601.17514
msiexec /Option <Required Parameter> [Optional Parameter]

Install Options
</package | /i> <Product.msi>
Installs or configures a product
/a <Product.msi>
Administrative install - Installs a product on the network
/j<u|m> <Product.msi> [/t <Transform List>] [/g <Language ID>]
Advertises a product - m to all users, u to current user
</uninstall | /x> <Product.msi | ProductCode>
Uninstalls the product
Display Options
Quiet mode, no user interaction
Unattended mode - progress bar only
Sets user interface level
n - No UI
b - Basic UI
r - Reduced UI
f - Full UI (default)
Help information
Restart Options
Do not restart after the installation is complete
Prompts the user for restart if necessary
Always restart the computer after installation
Logging Options
/l[i|w|e|a|r|u|c|m|o|p|v|x|+|!|*] <LogFile>
i - Status messages
w - Nonfatal warnings
e - All error messages
a - Start up of actions
r - Action-specific records
u - User requests
c - Initial UI parameters
m - Out-of-memory or fatal exit information
o - Out-of-disk-space messages
p - Terminal properties
v - Verbose output
x - Extra debugging information
+ - Append to existing log file
! - Flush each line to the log
/log <LogFile>
Equivalent of /l* <LogFile>
Update Options
/update <Update1.msp>[;Update2.msp]
Applies update(s)
/uninstall <PatchCodeGuid>[;Update2.msp] /package <Product.msi | ProductCode>
Remove update(s) for a product
Repair Options
/f[p|e|c|m|s|o|d|a|u|v] <Product.msi | ProductCode>
Repairs a product
p - only if file is missing
o - if file is missing or an older version is installed (default)
e - if file is missing or an equal or older version is installed
d - if file is missing or a different version is installed
c - if file is missing or checksum does not match the calculated value
a - forces all files to be reinstalled
u - all required user-specific registry entries (default)
m - all required computer-specific registry entries (default)
s - all existing shortcuts (default)
v - runs from source and recaches local package
Setting Public Properties

Consult the Windows ® Installer SDK for additional documentation on the
command line syntax.

Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Portions of this software are based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.

Nur leider gibt es kein JA Schalter, d.h. ich muss es echt bei jedem manuell machen... ;-(
Member: Snowman25
Snowman25 Jun 25, 2013 at 12:16:04 (UTC)
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Wer lesen kann...

Zitat von msiexec /?:
Quiet mode, no user interaction
Unattended mode - progress bar only
Member: SlainteMhath
SlainteMhath Jun 25, 2013 at 12:37:47 (UTC)
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Und zusätzlich noch
Sets user interface level
n - No UI
b - Basic UI
r - Reduced UI
f - Full UI (default)


Do not restart after the installation is complete