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WSUS 3 DnldMgr Failed job file URL

Hallo miteinander

Das sind so typische Fehlermeldungen aus einem windowsupdate.log:
2007-11-29 11:22:17:183 1156 94 DnldMgr WARNING: BITS job {9901AD8C-4184-4247-B742-68108FCB3167} failed, updateId = {E1AB0236-F707-44A9-A595-531984FB9B87}.100, hr = 0x80190194, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT = 5
2007-11-29 11:22:17:183 1156 94 DnldMgr Progress failure bytes total = 3723110, bytes transferred = 0
2007-11-29 11:22:17:183 1156 94 DnldMgr Failed job file: URL = http://guenti01/Content/EF/BBFFFEA14CFE3BFBFA512667013B57E9FF8256EF.CAB, local path = C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c138c9e1c3fc8f6d9b933994c76f6e33\OUTLFLTR.CAB
2007-11-29 11:22:17:261 1156 94 DnldMgr Error 0x80244019 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2007-11-29 11:22:17:261 1156 94 DnldMgr Regulation: {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update B8C18612-305C-4A28-90C3-F21433017539 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 6108 vs AcceptRate 2100.
2007-11-29 11:22:17:261 1156 94 DnldMgr Regulation: {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} - Update B8C18612-305C-4A28-90C3-F21433017539 is "PerUpdate" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 6108 vs AcceptRate 2100.
2007-11-29 11:22:17:261 1156 e04 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {270EEFCE-91A7-491A-9E4D-1EB3F839F736}]
2007-11-29 11:22:17:261 1156 e04 AU # WARNING: Download failed, error = 0x80244019
2007-11-29 11:22:17:261 1156 e04 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2007-11-29 11:00:00

Dies haben alle Clients.

Mal einfache Frage wie muss es aussehen wenn Downloads erfolgreich waren ? Denn ich meinte keine WSUS installierte Patches gesehen.

Content-Key: 74801


Printed on: May 4, 2024 at 13:05 o'clock

Member: Dani
Dani Nov 29, 2007 at 15:38:48 (UTC)
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laut Google hast du wohl ein Berechtigungsproblem. Dieser Beitrag sollte dein Problem lösen.

Member: live4ever
live4ever Nov 29, 2007 at 15:47:12 (UTC)
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dem Netzwerkdienst schon mal auf Laufwerk (dface-smile LeseRechte gegeben und vom Server auf dem Server Ordner (D:\wsus) Lese und SchreibRechte gegeben und Service neu gestartet aber bin immer noch gleich weit.
Member: Dani
Dani Nov 29, 2007 at 15:54:36 (UTC)
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Also dann machen wir das mal Schritt-Für-Schritt. Schau mal bitte nach, mit welchen Rechten der Dienst in der Diensteverwaltung läuft. Wir haben ihn auf "Lokales System" geändert!

Das Verzeichnis und natürlich alle Unterverzeichnisse von WSUS haben folgende Rechte:

  • System: Vollzugriff
  • Administratoren: Vollzugriff
  • Clients: Vollzugriff (In dieser Gruppe sind alle Domain-Clients aufgenommen)

Ansonsten mal brutal "Jeder" hinzufügen und Vollzugriff geben. ABer nur um den Fehler einzugrenzen!
Was sagt den das Tool "WSUS Client Diagnostics Tool"?

Member: live4ever
live4ever Nov 29, 2007 at 16:04:52 (UTC)
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Beitrag angeschaut. Sehe aber keine Lösung des Problems. Gehe auch davon aus, dass es irgendwas mit Berechtigung zu tun hat, denn dies aufgrund der Fehlernummer 0x80244019. Aber ich weiss nicht wo. ClientDiag bei mir sagt folgendes:

WSUS Client Diagnostics Tool

Checking Machine State
Checking for admin rights to run tool . . . . . . . . . PASS
Automatic Updates Service is running. . . . . . . . . . PASS
Background Intelligent Transfer Service is running. . . PASS
Wuaueng.dll version 7.0.6000.374. . . . . . . . . . . . PASS
This version is WSUS 2.0

Checking AU Settings
AU Option is 4: Scheduled Install . . . . . . . . . . . PASS
Option is from Policy settings

Checking Proxy Configuration
Checking for winhttp local machine Proxy settings . . . PASS
Winhttp local machine access type
<Direct Connection>
Winhttp local machine Proxy. . . . . . . . . . PASS
Winhttp local machine ProxyBypass. . . . . . . PASS
Checking User IE Proxy settings . . . . . . . . . . . . PASS
User IE Proxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PASS
User IE ProxyByPass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . PASS
User IE AutoConfig URL Proxy . . . . . . . . . PASS
User IE AutoDetect
AutoDetect not in use

Checking Connection to WSUS/SUS Server
WUServer = http://guenti01:80
WUStatusServer = http://guenti01:80
UseWuServer is enabled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PASS
Connection to server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PASS
SelfUpdate folder is present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . PASS
Member: live4ever
live4ever Nov 29, 2007 at 23:16:39 (UTC)
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Update Services auf Lokales Konto geändert (vorher Netzwerkdienst) mit Hacken "Datenaustausch...".

Auf dem Ordner WSUS (d:\wsus) vom Server und allen Unterordner/Dateien die Gruppen Jeder, Domänencomputer (Alle Clients sind darin Member), Authentifizierter Benutzer mit Vollzugriff nach unten vererben lassen. Später einmal sollte ja eigentlich dann Domänencomputer genügen und die zwei anderen verschwinden wieder.

Client (zum testen habe auf Virtual PC ein XP drauf) gestartet und immer noch gleich.

Interessanterweise kommt mit WSUS Client Diagnostic Tool ob ohne oder mit /T nicht dasselbe heraus. Mit /T ist alles wie bereits oben beschrieben alles bei Passed. Wenn nur Copy&Paste vom ClientDiag.exe kommt folgendes raus:
WSUS Client Diagnostics Tool

Checking Machine State
Checking for admin rights to run tool . . . . . . . . . PASS
Automatic Updates Service is running. . . . . . . . . . PASS
Background Intelligent Transfer Service is running. . . PASS
Wuaueng.dll version 7.0.6000.374. . . . . . . . . . . . PASS
This version is WSUS 2.0

Checking AU Settings
AU Option is 4: Scheduled Install . . . . . . . . . . . PASS
Option is from Policy settings

Checking Proxy Configuration
Checking for winhttp local machine Proxy settings . . . PASS
Winhttp local machine access type
<Direct Connection>
Winhttp local machine Proxy. . . . . . . . . . NONE
Winhttp local machine ProxyBypass. . . . . . . NONE
Checking User IE Proxy settings . . . . . . . . . . . . PASS
User IE Proxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NONE
User IE ProxyByPass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . NONE
User IE AutoConfig URL Proxy . . . . . . . . . NONE
User IE AutoDetect
AutoDetect not in use

Checking Connection to WSUS/SUS Server
WUServer = http://guenti01:80
WUStatusServer = http://guenti01:80
UseWuServer is enabled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PASS
Connection to server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PASS
SelfUpdate folder is present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . PASS

Press Enter to Complete

Dann habe ich im WindowsUpdate.log auch noch foglendes herausgefischt:
828 6a0 EEHndlr FATAL: MSI DLL version is 3.0. Version 3.1 is required
828 6a0 Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {9C1A36EC-75B3-402D-85E5-8D0F705B3DEE}.104, hr = 80241001

Noch irgendeine Idee ?
Member: Dani
Dani Nov 29, 2007 at 23:45:43 (UTC)
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ich habe vergessen mal den Updatedienst neu zu starten oder aber gleich den Server rebooten. Damit die aktuellsten Einstellungen dann gelten.

Dann würde mich interessieren, ob die Fehlermeldung vom Anfang deines Beitrag verschwunden bzw. teilweiße nur noch erscheinen?!

828 6a0 EEHndlr FATAL: MSI DLL version is 3.0. Version 3.1 is required
Sieht so aus, als hättest du noch die WinInstaller 3.0 am Laufen. Jedoch wird 3.1 benötigt. Sollte aber eigentlich über WSUS passieren.

Ansonsten installiere mal den Windows Update Agent 2.0! Das hat bei uns auch die meisten Fehler gelöst.
Erst den Server rebooten - schauen. Danach den Client modifizieren und diesen auch neustarten. Danach das Log wieder anschauen und Veränderungen, etc... posten.
Siehst du die Clients in in der WSUS MMC??

Member: live4ever
live4ever Nov 30, 2007 at 11:08:09 (UTC)
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Vergessen zu erwähnen, aber Update Service habe auf dem Server neu gestartet bevor den Client neu gestartet habe.

Nun habe aber mal folgendes ausgeführt:
WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe /wuforce
wuauclt.exe /detectnow

Danach wars nicht besser. Habe einfach mal dann eben den 3.1 installiert, damits sicher nicht noch irgendwie daran liegen kann. Automatischer Serverice gestoppt auf Client und WindowsUpdate.log umbenannt damit ich den Überblick noch habe. Dann neu gestartet. Der Vollsändigkeitshalber hier das ganz windowsupdate.log:
2007-11-30 11:56:05:157 404 100 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.0.6000.374, tz: +0100) ===========
2007-11-30 11:56:05:157 404 100 Misc = Process: \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe
2007-11-30 11:56:05:157 404 100 Misc = Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll
2007-11-30 11:56:05:157 404 100 Shutdwn FATAL: WUAutoUpdateAtShutdown failed, hr=80240FFF
2007-11-30 11:58:08:781 816 6e8 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.0.6000.374, tz: +0100) ===========
2007-11-30 11:58:08:911 816 6e8 Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe
2007-11-30 11:58:08:941 816 6e8 Misc = Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll
2007-11-30 11:58:08:781 816 6e8 Service *
2007-11-30 11:58:08:941 816 6e8 Service START Service: Service startup
2007-11-30 11:58:08:961 816 6e8 Service *
2007-11-30 11:58:09:522 816 6e8 Misc Registering binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe /s "C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups.dll"
2007-11-30 11:58:10:383 816 6e8 Misc Registering binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe /s "C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups2.dll"
2007-11-30 11:58:10:613 816 6e8 Agent * WU client version 7.0.6000.374
2007-11-30 11:58:10:613 816 6e8 Agent * Base directory: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution
2007-11-30 11:58:10:613 816 6e8 Agent * Access type: No proxy
2007-11-30 11:58:10:613 816 6e8 Agent * Network state: Connected
2007-11-30 11:58:49:686 816 1ac Agent * Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent *
2007-11-30 11:58:49:686 816 1ac Agent * Agent: Initializing global settings cache *
2007-11-30 11:58:49:686 816 1ac Agent * WSUS server: http://guenti01:80
2007-11-30 11:58:49:686 816 1ac Agent * WSUS status server: http://guenti01:80
2007-11-30 11:58:49:686 816 1ac Agent * Target group: XP
2007-11-30 11:58:49:686 816 1ac Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No
2007-11-30 11:58:50:518 816 6e8 Report * Report: Initializing static reporting data *
2007-11-30 11:58:50:518 816 6e8 Report * OS Version = 5.1.2600.2.0.65792
2007-11-30 11:58:50:588 816 6e8 Report * Computer Brand = Microsoft Corporation
2007-11-30 11:58:50:588 816 6e8 Report * Computer Model = Virtual Machine
2007-11-30 11:58:50:588 816 6e8 Report * Bios Revision = 080002
2007-11-30 11:58:50:588 816 6e8 Report * Bios Name = BIOS Date: 02/22/06 20:54:49 Ver: 08.00.02
2007-11-30 11:58:50:588 816 6e8 Report * Bios Release Date = 2006-02-22T00:00:00
2007-11-30 11:58:50:588 816 6e8 Report * Locale ID = 2055
2007-11-30 11:58:52:151 816 1ac DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0 downloads
2007-11-30 11:58:52:181 816 1ac DnldMgr Retrieved 34 persisted download jobs
2007-11-30 11:58:52:181 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 0] *
2007-11-30 11:58:52:291 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {0242FE01-E4A7-4EED-8595-51D4E94FD835}
2007-11-30 11:58:52:291 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:58:52:612 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {76C27F41-0D2A-4CAA-9C66-C0297033CFCC}.103
2007-11-30 11:58:53:934 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:58:53:934 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 1] *
2007-11-30 11:58:53:934 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {22F8B202-F068-4C71-9CFC-58BF4A6B471A}
2007-11-30 11:58:53:934 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:58:53:994 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {EAFE34E0-B298-4580-A370-B90FE8BDA13F}.101
2007-11-30 11:58:54:946 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:58:54:956 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 2] *
2007-11-30 11:58:54:956 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {D5202303-E8E5-4348-8330-167EEE08B64B}
2007-11-30 11:58:54:956 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:58:55:016 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {C89EDC87-04FB-4789-8791-135B74CD5B70}.104
2007-11-30 11:58:55:717 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:58:55:717 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 3] *
2007-11-30 11:58:55:717 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {1B098F08-7048-4A59-A343-9FA0C510ECED}
2007-11-30 11:58:55:717 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:58:56:138 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {7ED02552-E408-40C7-949B-DAF5AB521341}.10
2007-11-30 11:58:56:860 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:58:56:860 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 4] *
2007-11-30 11:58:56:860 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {DD53020F-2A9A-4D3D-A591-C8381F87E8D1}
2007-11-30 11:58:56:860 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:58:56:960 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {C5567AEC-4846-47B0-AF25-A118EC156B3E}.101
2007-11-30 11:58:57:501 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:58:57:501 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 5] *
2007-11-30 11:58:57:501 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {62773111-E6A8-4C98-A8F5-767905AA8C09}
2007-11-30 11:58:57:501 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:58:57:521 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {CE108430-AC3F-482C-B0E0-5C419C8372B3}.101
2007-11-30 11:58:57:821 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:58:57:821 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 6] *
2007-11-30 11:58:57:821 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {9356E619-C6E0-4B78-A698-18984CCF5527}
2007-11-30 11:58:57:821 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:58:57:821 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {956F37A4-CDBA-4207-8859-5B08306448C8}.103
2007-11-30 11:58:58:082 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:58:58:082 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 7] *
2007-11-30 11:58:58:082 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {3D84B82F-BF6E-4A47-A23D-3A6EE4AD7B22}
2007-11-30 11:58:58:082 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:58:58:092 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {5BD8FE82-52C6-4E85-B38C-18E28EFDDCC8}.105
2007-11-30 11:58:58:553 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:58:58:563 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 8] *
2007-11-30 11:58:58:563 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {1F383034-F211-4E87-93E1-41CCD98C35E3}
2007-11-30 11:58:58:563 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:58:58:583 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {5B69B570-518C-4B60-9E30-24E6D0A04F48}.100
2007-11-30 11:58:58:993 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:58:58:993 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 9] *
2007-11-30 11:58:58:993 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {DA5CBD34-8982-49C2-8FE6-39C39E5CE643}
2007-11-30 11:58:58:993 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:58:59:034 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {920CC66F-7978-4C4F-A0AF-248EFBE45575}.103
2007-11-30 11:58:59:304 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:58:59:304 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 10] *
2007-11-30 11:58:59:304 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {7BBAFE4A-9A3A-48BB-BCB7-A6E9E2085BE7}
2007-11-30 11:58:59:304 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:58:59:324 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {2D3F50A1-2E2A-4B8E-A4AF-9973826E4B40}.100
2007-11-30 11:58:59:575 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:58:59:575 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 11] *
2007-11-30 11:58:59:575 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {725DF94D-5ABE-4B27-B1C7-EC5B36B15E4A}
2007-11-30 11:58:59:575 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:58:59:635 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {D337CF47-C531-4D98-911D-79AB2012E249}.102
2007-11-30 11:59:00:136 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:00:136 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 12] *
2007-11-30 11:59:00:136 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {105F2D4F-7FE1-4BC3-8BE8-C61DBA25ADEF}
2007-11-30 11:59:00:136 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:00:136 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {F6DE7C7E-1BF2-42B9-A48F-FFF8923BCCD5}.101
2007-11-30 11:59:00:406 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:00:406 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 13] *
2007-11-30 11:59:00:406 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {CF489F59-BD35-4D77-B95A-836DF53264B0}
2007-11-30 11:59:00:406 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:00:416 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {B4BB6374-02A4-4819-B2FC-2BF1287B33A5}.103
2007-11-30 11:59:00:647 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:00:647 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 14] *
2007-11-30 11:59:00:647 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {EC2F8C5A-6DDE-4347-BDE2-FA23EB6C9F46}
2007-11-30 11:59:00:647 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:00:657 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {2783BBBD-AB16-4BD9-AA4D-E8F4F471BABC}.102
2007-11-30 11:59:01:388 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:01:388 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 15] *
2007-11-30 11:59:01:388 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {0D5AB360-7109-49CA-80AC-1DC5DF152F31}
2007-11-30 11:59:01:388 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:01:398 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {512C5469-E98F-4F08-85B1-D789C0F13F98}.100
2007-11-30 11:59:01:588 816 6e8 Agent * Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent *
2007-11-30 11:59:01:648 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:01:658 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 16] *
2007-11-30 11:59:01:658 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {992BD965-B8BF-474D-B2EF-11FC93B23C6B}
2007-11-30 11:59:01:658 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:01:658 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {5A00FD72-3E2D-46F3-B88D-A3805D16C83E}.103
2007-11-30 11:59:01:929 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:01:929 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 17] *
2007-11-30 11:59:01:929 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {35126D66-C78B-48F5-8F6E-0136C4516ED4}
2007-11-30 11:59:01:929 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:01:949 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {99376517-A0A4-4E0E-ADB3-7B177A92A900}.104
2007-11-30 11:59:02:390 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:02:390 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 18] *
2007-11-30 11:59:02:390 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {5469B66A-119A-474D-8B4C-C6A7EBCF0786}
2007-11-30 11:59:02:390 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:02:390 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {68D8EFD4-8923-424E-8705-DFB37C91D7C7}.101
2007-11-30 11:59:02:660 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:02:660 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 19] *
2007-11-30 11:59:02:660 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {D6D3B66A-09E6-4DE3-8D17-FE4CFA754396}
2007-11-30 11:59:02:660 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:02:680 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {DB4F2271-46D4-4994-820E-BE06174E8C32}.100
2007-11-30 11:59:03:141 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:03:141 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 20] *
2007-11-30 11:59:03:141 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {5D3BB87A-27BA-4263-975C-CF9DD124B54C}
2007-11-30 11:59:03:141 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:03:171 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {F42F0732-A2FE-480F-BE7D-4E2625930420}.102
2007-11-30 11:59:03:652 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:03:652 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 21] *
2007-11-30 11:59:03:652 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {4239AD7B-AAEE-4BAA-AE78-9ABB2E3FE3E9}
2007-11-30 11:59:03:652 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:03:652 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {40D8DBEC-34DC-4C9A-8CB4-424195469BBB}.101
2007-11-30 11:59:04:153 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:04:153 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 22] *
2007-11-30 11:59:04:153 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {2184E97B-A386-4EA3-895D-DB0048FBE7E1}
2007-11-30 11:59:04:153 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:04:233 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {EDA6FD58-C519-4B82-BD02-0C8A48DE6C50}.108
2007-11-30 11:59:04:934 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:04:934 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 23] *
2007-11-30 11:59:04:934 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {C9B4EE7F-32CF-4D8B-9B30-BF59D097EDC0}
2007-11-30 11:59:04:934 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:05:075 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {CC29FAD3-0842-4476-BBF5-9E34F0A65210}.102
2007-11-30 11:59:05:616 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:05:616 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 24] *
2007-11-30 11:59:05:616 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {10D55A9D-9E06-490B-82E0-E4A6C41A293C}
2007-11-30 11:59:05:616 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:05:626 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {AACAEF75-CCD8-4865-A6E8-66AE26D2AB32}.101
2007-11-30 11:59:05:946 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:05:946 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 25] *
2007-11-30 11:59:05:946 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {015314AB-CA8E-446C-9158-6012CCE5E8B6}
2007-11-30 11:59:05:946 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:05:946 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {CF999EC2-92B9-496C-9939-3D91A2BAAFE2}.102
2007-11-30 11:59:06:397 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:06:407 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 26] *
2007-11-30 11:59:06:407 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {895F21AC-20C3-4976-8846-715A67BCD60B}
2007-11-30 11:59:06:407 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:06:417 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {063D5F8D-0EDE-4BD1-A1F1-B276B6510BF5}.102
2007-11-30 11:59:06:638 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:06:638 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 27] *
2007-11-30 11:59:06:638 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {8166F3B3-734B-42F1-9A02-F11616E4411D}
2007-11-30 11:59:06:638 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:06:648 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {B192E82B-42E6-4AB7-9C6F-581CD5D2F0AF}.102
2007-11-30 11:59:06:998 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:06:998 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 28] *
2007-11-30 11:59:06:998 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {25B877BB-D12D-49C6-8FCE-D2E68818ED62}
2007-11-30 11:59:06:998 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:07:018 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {7A05A2EA-78BD-46F9-5D8B-37B584EC8DE8}.12
2007-11-30 11:59:07:249 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:07:249 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 29] *
2007-11-30 11:59:07:249 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {908BD5BF-9FAE-4DBD-BDF1-EC40C19B6913}
2007-11-30 11:59:07:249 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:07:249 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {2265736F-9B6A-48EF-80F4-923797138567}.100
2007-11-30 11:59:07:479 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:07:479 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 30] *
2007-11-30 11:59:07:479 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {5DCE9EC6-AFBF-45E3-9557-FBA100A67E88}
2007-11-30 11:59:07:479 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:07:479 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {51F0A0DB-EFC6-463A-8A90-91758E254305}.100
2007-11-30 11:59:07:740 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:07:740 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 31] *
2007-11-30 11:59:07:740 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {434A90DA-0674-4170-8C22-25B44233D2C2}
2007-11-30 11:59:07:740 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:07:810 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {19E2DE42-BC34-49A1-86FD-B1FD46C409EE}.100
2007-11-30 11:59:08:080 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:08:080 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 32] *
2007-11-30 11:59:08:080 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {B8362EF1-48DA-49CA-95B8-FC681569F58F}
2007-11-30 11:59:08:080 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:08:150 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {ECD3DFD4-26A9-4D23-8D02-7891E920D4EB}.101
2007-11-30 11:59:08:902 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:08:902 816 1ac DnldMgr * DnldMgr: Restoring download [no. 33] *
2007-11-30 11:59:08:902 816 1ac DnldMgr * BITS JobId = {1CCCC8F2-BBB8-457E-BDA1-CD9103B3F613}
2007-11-30 11:59:08:902 816 1ac DnldMgr * ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:08:902 816 1ac DnldMgr * UpdateId = {4122DFDA-89DC-4ACF-8540-081314AB3BF6}.102
2007-11-30 11:59:09:363 816 1ac DnldMgr * Restored download job.
2007-11-30 11:59:09:363 816 6e8 AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic Updates ###########
2007-11-30 11:59:09:373 816 6e8 AU # WSUS server: http://guenti01:80
2007-11-30 11:59:09:373 816 6e8 AU # Detection frequency: 5
2007-11-30 11:59:09:373 816 6e8 AU # Target group: XP
2007-11-30 11:59:09:373 816 6e8 AU # Approval type: Scheduled (Policy)
2007-11-30 11:59:09:373 816 6e8 AU # Scheduled install day/time: Every day at 12:00
2007-11-30 11:59:09:373 816 6e8 AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes (Policy)
2007-11-30 11:59:09:373 816 6e8 AU # Will interact with non-admins (Non-admins are elevated)
2007-11-30 11:59:09:693 816 6e8 AU # Reconnecting download for 1 updates
2007-11-30 11:59:09:693 816 6e8 AU # Reconnected 0 pending download calls
2007-11-30 11:59:09:693 816 6e8 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2007-11-30 11:00:00
2007-11-30 11:59:09:693 816 6e8 AU Auto-approving update for download, updateId = {6F5DC828-0F05-4577-9A8A-74AB1CBE00A9}.102, ForUx=0, IsOwnerUx=0, HasDeadline=0, IsMinor=0
2007-11-30 11:59:09:693 816 6e8 AU Auto-approving update for download, updateId = {4B689082-CA9C-46CC-B2FC-720FEDE21299}.10, ForUx=0, IsOwnerUx=0, HasDeadline=0, IsMinor=0
2007-11-30 11:59:09:693 816 6e8 AU Auto-approving update for download, updateId = {5C69B2BB-A1B8-4097-A19C-3EB4AF5D2577}.104, ForUx=0, IsOwnerUx=0, HasDeadline=0, IsMinor=0
2007-11-30 11:59:09:693 816 6e8 AU Auto-approving update for download, updateId = {D80D91CF-6361-4FDF-B35D-F05077902973}.100, ForUx=0, IsOwnerUx=0, HasDeadline=0, IsMinor=0
2007-11-30 11:59:09:693 816 6e8 AU Auto-approving update for download, updateId = {C5A7BCFB-9DD1-446D-B9AC-ADE49460AA07}.102, ForUx=0, IsOwnerUx=0, HasDeadline=0, IsMinor=0
2007-11-30 11:59:09:693 816 6e8 AU Auto-approved 5 update(s) for download (NOT for Ux)
2007-11-30 11:59:09:693 816 6e8 AU #############
2007-11-30 11:59:09:693 816 6e8 AU ## START ## AU: Download updates
2007-11-30 11:59:09:693 816 6e8 AU #########
2007-11-30 11:59:09:693 816 6e8 AU # Approved updates = 5
2007-11-30 11:59:09:783 816 6e8 AU AU initiated download, updateId = {6F5DC828-0F05-4577-9A8A-74AB1CBE00A9}.102, callId = {B7050860-29DC-4C09-A0BB-401724251403}
2007-11-30 11:59:09:823 816 6e8 AU AU initiated download, updateId = {4B689082-CA9C-46CC-B2FC-720FEDE21299}.10, callId = {D90D5D47-5711-4BBE-98A3-6A196DB4B855}
2007-11-30 11:59:09:863 816 6e8 AU AU initiated download, updateId = {5C69B2BB-A1B8-4097-A19C-3EB4AF5D2577}.104, callId = {AC99E8D1-603A-4623-80C2-3643CFE94E87}
2007-11-30 11:59:09:904 816 6e8 AU AU initiated download, updateId = {D80D91CF-6361-4FDF-B35D-F05077902973}.100, callId = {B294509F-21EA-4F18-8CFD-3065EC819292}
2007-11-30 11:59:10:074 816 6e8 AU AU initiated download, updateId = {C5A7BCFB-9DD1-446D-B9AC-ADE49460AA07}.102, callId = {ECF6F8BE-D551-4F98-946B-6BE662774783}
2007-11-30 11:59:10:074 816 6e8 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2007-11-30 11:00:00
2007-11-30 11:59:10:074 816 6e8 AU AU setting pending client directive to 'Download Progress'
2007-11-30 11:59:10:134 816 6e8 AU # Pending download calls = 5
2007-11-30 11:59:10:144 816 6e8 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Download updates
2007-11-30 11:59:10:244 816 6e8 AU AU finished delayed initialization
2007-11-30 11:59:10:244 816 1ac AU Triggering AU detection through DetectNow API
2007-11-30 11:59:10:244 816 1ac AU Triggering Online detection (non-interactive)
2007-11-30 11:59:10:264 816 6e8 AU #############
2007-11-30 11:59:10:264 816 6e8 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2007-11-30 11:59:10:264 816 6e8 AU #########
2007-11-30 11:59:10:264 816 6e8 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {F1306C6C-60F6-4536-87F0-F81BC790A335}]
2007-11-30 11:59:10:364 816 62c DnldMgr *
2007-11-30 11:59:10:364 816 62c DnldMgr START DnldMgr: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-11-30 11:59:10:384 816 62c DnldMgr *
2007-11-30 11:59:10:384 816 62c DnldMgr * Call ID = {B7050860-29DC-4C09-A0BB-401724251403}
2007-11-30 11:59:10:384 816 62c DnldMgr * Priority = 2, Interactive = 0, Owner is system = 1, Explicit proxy = 0, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:10:384 816 62c DnldMgr * Updates to download = 1
2007-11-30 11:59:10:384 816 62c Agent * Title = Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1
2007-11-30 11:59:10:384 816 62c Agent * UpdateId = {6F5DC828-0F05-4577-9A8A-74AB1CBE00A9}.102
2007-11-30 11:59:10:384 816 62c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2007-11-30 11:59:10:384 816 62c Agent * {AFCFDECF-2B9F-4881-8CFE-F56ED0DD81AF}.102
2007-11-30 11:59:10:434 816 62c DnldMgr * DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {AFCFDECF-2B9F-4881-8CFE-F56ED0DD81AF}.102] *
2007-11-30 11:59:21:956 816 62c DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {8F55DF66-4746-4BCB-AC39-BB97E0B751B2}
2007-11-30 11:59:22:326 816 62c DnldMgr * Downloading from http://guenti01/Content/23/74A5B25D65A70B8ECD6A9C301A0AEA10D8483A23.exe to C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c69f5c2ceb1f0d6ae1655daf6991bd17\74a5b25d65a70b8ecd6a9c301a0aea10d8483a23 (full file).
2007-11-30 11:59:23:208 816 62c Agent *
2007-11-30 11:59:23:208 816 62c Agent END Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-11-30 11:59:23:208 816 62c Agent *
2007-11-30 11:59:23:498 816 62c DnldMgr *
2007-11-30 11:59:23:498 816 62c DnldMgr START DnldMgr: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-11-30 11:59:23:498 816 62c DnldMgr *
2007-11-30 11:59:23:498 816 62c DnldMgr * Call ID = {D90D5D47-5711-4BBE-98A3-6A196DB4B855}
2007-11-30 11:59:23:498 816 62c DnldMgr * Priority = 2, Interactive = 0, Owner is system = 1, Explicit proxy = 0, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:23:498 816 62c DnldMgr * Updates to download = 1
2007-11-30 11:59:23:498 816 62c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows XP (KB891781)
2007-11-30 11:59:23:498 816 62c Agent * UpdateId = {4B689082-CA9C-46CC-B2FC-720FEDE21299}.10
2007-11-30 11:59:23:498 816 62c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2007-11-30 11:59:23:498 816 62c Agent * {7ED02552-E408-40C7-949B-DAF5AB521341}.10
2007-11-30 11:59:23:639 816 62c Agent *
2007-11-30 11:59:23:639 816 62c Agent END Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-11-30 11:59:23:639 816 62c Agent *
2007-11-30 11:59:23:659 816 62c DnldMgr *
2007-11-30 11:59:23:659 816 62c DnldMgr START DnldMgr: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-11-30 11:59:23:659 816 62c DnldMgr *
2007-11-30 11:59:23:659 816 62c DnldMgr * Call ID = {AC99E8D1-603A-4623-80C2-3643CFE94E87}
2007-11-30 11:59:23:659 816 62c DnldMgr * Priority = 2, Interactive = 0, Owner is system = 1, Explicit proxy = 0, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:23:659 816 62c DnldMgr * Updates to download = 1
2007-11-30 11:59:23:659 816 62c Agent * Title = Remotedesktopverbindung (Terminaldiensteclient 6.0) für Windows XP (KB925876)
2007-11-30 11:59:23:659 816 62c Agent * UpdateId = {5C69B2BB-A1B8-4097-A19C-3EB4AF5D2577}.104
2007-11-30 11:59:23:659 816 62c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2007-11-30 11:59:23:659 816 62c Agent * {C5567AEC-4846-47B0-AF25-A118EC156B3E}.101
2007-11-30 11:59:23:979 816 62c Agent *
2007-11-30 11:59:23:979 816 62c Agent END Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-11-30 11:59:23:979 816 62c Agent *
2007-11-30 11:59:23:989 816 62c DnldMgr *
2007-11-30 11:59:23:989 816 62c DnldMgr START DnldMgr: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-11-30 11:59:23:989 816 62c DnldMgr *
2007-11-30 11:59:23:989 816 62c DnldMgr * Call ID = {B294509F-21EA-4F18-8CFD-3065EC819292}
2007-11-30 11:59:23:989 816 62c DnldMgr * Priority = 2, Interactive = 0, Owner is system = 1, Explicit proxy = 0, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:23:989 816 62c DnldMgr * Updates to download = 1
2007-11-30 11:59:23:989 816 62c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows XP (KB893756)
2007-11-30 11:59:23:989 816 62c Agent * UpdateId = {D80D91CF-6361-4FDF-B35D-F05077902973}.100
2007-11-30 11:59:23:989 816 62c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2007-11-30 11:59:23:989 816 62c Agent * {2D3F50A1-2E2A-4B8E-A4AF-9973826E4B40}.100
2007-11-30 11:59:24:100 816 62c Agent *
2007-11-30 11:59:24:100 816 62c Agent END Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-11-30 11:59:24:100 816 62c Agent *
2007-11-30 11:59:24:170 816 62c DnldMgr *
2007-11-30 11:59:24:170 816 62c DnldMgr START DnldMgr: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-11-30 11:59:24:170 816 62c DnldMgr *
2007-11-30 11:59:24:170 816 62c DnldMgr * Call ID = {ECF6F8BE-D551-4F98-946B-6BE662774783}
2007-11-30 11:59:24:170 816 62c DnldMgr * Priority = 2, Interactive = 0, Owner is system = 1, Explicit proxy = 0, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:24:170 816 62c DnldMgr * Updates to download = 1
2007-11-30 11:59:24:170 816 62c Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows XP (KB927779)
2007-11-30 11:59:24:170 816 62c Agent * UpdateId = {C5A7BCFB-9DD1-446D-B9AC-ADE49460AA07}.102
2007-11-30 11:59:24:170 816 62c Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2007-11-30 11:59:24:170 816 62c Agent * {2783BBBD-AB16-4BD9-AA4D-E8F4F471BABC}.102
2007-11-30 11:59:24:560 816 62c Agent *
2007-11-30 11:59:24:560 816 62c Agent END Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-11-30 11:59:24:560 816 62c Agent *
2007-11-30 11:59:24:560 816 62c Agent *
2007-11-30 11:59:24:560 816 62c Agent START Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-11-30 11:59:24:560 816 62c Agent *
2007-11-30 11:59:24:560 816 62c Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
2007-11-30 11:59:24:560 816 62c Agent * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"
2007-11-30 11:59:24:560 816 62c Agent * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-11-30 11:59:24:601 816 62c Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\Default\
2007-11-30 11:59:24:651 816 62c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-11-30 11:59:24:711 816 62c Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\Default\
2007-11-30 11:59:24:721 816 62c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-11-30 11:59:24:771 816 62c Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\Default\
2007-11-30 11:59:24:771 816 62c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-11-30 11:59:24:781 816 62c Setup * Setup: Checking whether self-update is required *
2007-11-30 11:59:24:791 816 62c Setup * Inf file: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\Default\wsus3setup.inf
2007-11-30 11:59:24:861 816 62c Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\cdm.dll: target version = 7.0.6000.374, required version = 7.0.6000.374
2007-11-30 11:59:24:861 816 62c Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll: target version = 7.0.6000.374, required version = 7.0.6000.374
2007-11-30 11:59:24:891 816 62c Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll.mui: target version = 7.0.6000.374, required version = 7.0.6000.374
2007-11-30 11:59:24:891 816 62c Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe: target version = 7.0.6000.374, required version = 7.0.6000.374
2007-11-30 11:59:24:891 816 62c Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl: target version = 7.0.6000.374, required version = 7.0.6000.374
2007-11-30 11:59:24:921 816 62c Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl.mui: target version = 7.0.6000.374, required version = 7.0.6000.374
2007-11-30 11:59:24:921 816 62c Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll: target version = 7.0.6000.374, required version = 7.0.6000.374
2007-11-30 11:59:24:931 816 62c Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll.mui: target version = 7.0.6000.374, required version = 7.0.6000.374
2007-11-30 11:59:24:931 816 62c Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll: target version = 7.0.6000.374, required version = 7.0.6000.374
2007-11-30 11:59:24:951 816 62c Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll.mui: target version = 7.0.6000.374, required version = 7.0.6000.374
2007-11-30 11:59:24:951 816 62c Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups.dll: target version = 7.0.6000.374, required version = 7.0.6000.374
2007-11-30 11:59:24:951 816 62c Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups2.dll: target version = 7.0.6000.374, required version = 7.0.6000.374
2007-11-30 11:59:25:031 816 62c Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuweb.dll: target version = 7.0.6000.374, required version = 7.0.6000.374
2007-11-30 11:59:25:091 816 62c Setup * IsUpdateRequired = No
2007-11-30 11:59:25:192 816 6e8 AU Launched new AU client for directive 'Download Progress', session id = 0x0
2007-11-30 11:59:25:222 260 178 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.0.6000.374, tz: +0100) ===========
2007-11-30 11:59:25:232 260 178 Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe
2007-11-30 11:59:25:222 260 178 AUClnt Launched Client UI process
2007-11-30 11:59:25:482 260 178 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.0.6000.374, tz: +0100) ===========
2007-11-30 11:59:25:482 260 178 Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe
2007-11-30 11:59:25:482 260 178 Misc = Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll
2007-11-30 11:59:25:482 260 178 CltUI AU client got new directive = 'Download Progress', serviceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, return = 0x00000000
2007-11-30 11:59:25:482 260 178 CltUI AU client creating default WU/WSUS UI plugin
2007-11-30 11:59:27:546 816 75c DnldMgr WARNING: BITS job {8F55DF66-4746-4BCB-AC39-BB97E0B751B2} failed, updateId = {AFCFDECF-2B9F-4881-8CFE-F56ED0DD81AF}.102, hr = 0x80190194, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT = 5
2007-11-30 11:59:27:546 816 75c DnldMgr Progress failure bytes total = 10703680, bytes transferred = 0
2007-11-30 11:59:27:546 816 75c DnldMgr Failed job file: URL = http://guenti01/Content/23/74A5B25D65A70B8ECD6A9C301A0AEA10D8483A23.exe, local path = C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c69f5c2ceb1f0d6ae1655daf6991bd17\74a5b25d65a70b8ecd6a9c301a0aea10d8483a23
2007-11-30 11:59:28:137 816 75c DnldMgr Error 0x80244019 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2007-11-30 11:59:28:438 816 f0 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {6F5DC828-0F05-4577-9A8A-74AB1CBE00A9}]
2007-11-30 11:59:28:438 816 f0 AU # WARNING: Download failed, error = 0x80244019
2007-11-30 11:59:28:448 816 62c PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server updates +++++++++++
2007-11-30 11:59:28:448 816 62c PT + ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = http://guenti01:80/ClientWebService/client.asmx
2007-11-30 11:59:28:628 816 f0 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2007-11-30 11:00:00
2007-11-30 11:59:30:722 816 620 DnldMgr WARNING: BITS job {1B098F08-7048-4A59-A343-9FA0C510ECED} failed, updateId = {7ED02552-E408-40C7-949B-DAF5AB521341}.10, hr = 0x80190194, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT = 5
2007-11-30 11:59:30:742 816 620 DnldMgr Progress failure bytes total = 345614, bytes transferred = 0
2007-11-30 11:59:30:742 816 620 DnldMgr Failed job file: URL = http://guenti01/Content/1D/77E3F2836BD7C7C4A4950FBA6C270754CE1D8E1D.exe, local path = C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\e824c406d24307dd28228b3fd213af19\WindowsXP-KB891781-x86-express-deu.exe
2007-11-30 11:59:31:072 816 620 DnldMgr Error 0x80244019 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2007-11-30 11:59:31:263 816 f0 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {4B689082-CA9C-46CC-B2FC-720FEDE21299}]
2007-11-30 11:59:31:263 816 f0 AU # WARNING: Download failed, error = 0x80244019
2007-11-30 11:59:31:523 816 f0 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2007-11-30 11:00:00
2007-11-30 11:59:34:499 816 5c0 DnldMgr WARNING: BITS job {DD53020F-2A9A-4D3D-A591-C8381F87E8D1} failed, updateId = {C5567AEC-4846-47B0-AF25-A118EC156B3E}.101, hr = 0x80190194, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT = 5
2007-11-30 11:59:34:499 816 5c0 DnldMgr Progress failure bytes total = 173386, bytes transferred = 0
2007-11-30 11:59:34:499 816 5c0 DnldMgr Failed job file: URL = http://guenti01/Content/17/, local path = C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\f88eea888593251a614f191764d9167d\
2007-11-30 11:59:35:350 816 5c0 DnldMgr Error 0x80244019 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2007-11-30 11:59:36:062 816 f0 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {5C69B2BB-A1B8-4097-A19C-3EB4AF5D2577}]
2007-11-30 11:59:36:062 816 f0 AU # WARNING: Download failed, error = 0x80244019
2007-11-30 11:59:36:062 816 f0 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2007-11-30 11:00:00
2007-11-30 11:59:39:999 816 75c DnldMgr WARNING: BITS job {7BBAFE4A-9A3A-48BB-BCB7-A6E9E2085BE7} failed, updateId = {2D3F50A1-2E2A-4B8E-A4AF-9973826E4B40}.100, hr = 0x80190194, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT = 5
2007-11-30 11:59:39:999 816 75c DnldMgr Progress failure bytes total = 508515, bytes transferred = 0
2007-11-30 11:59:39:999 816 75c DnldMgr Failed job file: URL = http://guenti01/Content/18/0DAC3E290A2D3C8BD9D781DD13A7A77852B5C718.exe, local path = C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\de78f5d30af1640cb6f8bddc4fbfdfdf\WindowsXP-KB893756-x86-express-DEU.exe
2007-11-30 11:59:41:381 816 75c DnldMgr Error 0x80244019 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2007-11-30 11:59:41:512 816 f0 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {D80D91CF-6361-4FDF-B35D-F05077902973}]
2007-11-30 11:59:41:512 816 f0 AU # WARNING: Download failed, error = 0x80244019
2007-11-30 11:59:41:632 816 f0 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2007-11-30 11:00:00
2007-11-30 11:59:46:110 816 620 DnldMgr WARNING: BITS job {EC2F8C5A-6DDE-4347-BDE2-FA23EB6C9F46} failed, updateId = {2783BBBD-AB16-4BD9-AA4D-E8F4F471BABC}.102, hr = 0x80190194, BG_ERROR_CONTEXT = 5
2007-11-30 11:59:46:110 816 620 DnldMgr Progress failure bytes total = 292298, bytes transferred = 0
2007-11-30 11:59:46:110 816 620 DnldMgr Failed job file: URL = http://guenti01/Content/88/, local path = C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\f55d426d0d7998a9ecb375ab427dbace\
2007-11-30 11:59:50:678 816 620 DnldMgr Error 0x80244019 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2007-11-30 11:59:50:929 816 f0 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {C5A7BCFB-9DD1-446D-B9AC-ADE49460AA07}]
2007-11-30 11:59:50:929 816 f0 AU # WARNING: Download failed, error = 0x80244019
2007-11-30 11:59:50:929 816 f0 AU #########
2007-11-30 11:59:50:929 816 f0 AU ## END ## AU: Download updates
2007-11-30 11:59:50:929 816 f0 AU #############
2007-11-30 11:59:50:939 816 f0 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2007-11-30 11:00:00
2007-11-30 11:59:51:049 260 178 CltUI AU client got new directive = 'Shutdown', serviceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, return = 0x00000000
2007-11-30 11:59:51:059 816 6e8 AU AU received handle event

Du meinst den Installieren WindowsUpdateAgent20-x86.exe und den 3 deinstallieren - aber wsus wird den ja sofort updaten oder liege ich da falsch ?

Woran könnte es noch liegen - sehe alle Clients vom Server aus und keiner konnte je ein Update fahren ?

Vielleicht hier noch zu erwähnen der Server ist ein x64 bit-Server. Könnte es denn sein, dass irgendwelche Berechtigungen im IIS nicht stimmen ?
Member: live4ever
live4ever Dec 05, 2007 at 16:04:58 (UTC)
Goto Top
Nach einer Neuinstallation vom WSUS mit Port 8530 und den NTFS-Berechtigungen vom Netzwerkdienst auf Laufwerk und WSUS und untergeordnete Ordner klappt nun alles bestens.

Besten Dank für die Hilfestellungen Dani.