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Xendesktop Server 7.14 bringt sporadisch Meldung Die Verbindung zu Remote Pool ist fehlgeschlagen. Status Der von Ihnen ausgewählte Citrix XennApp-Server nimmt keine Verbindungen an


es gab ein Vspehre Update , danach spinnte das Xendesktop 7.6 , das paar Maschinen auf Orphaned gingen im Vspehre. Diese wurden rausgelöscht im Vspehre und Xendesktop Pool.
Dann gab es ein Update auf Vsphre 7.14 was ein wenig Besserung brachte. Es mussten dann einige Maschinen in den Wartungsmodus gestellt werden, da die korrumpierten.
Letzendlich wurde am Wochenende der Xendesktop Pool gelöscht und neu generiert. Nun gibt es keine defekten Maschinen mehr . Und Anmeldungen gehen deutlich besser.
Es gibt aber immer wieder viele User , die ständig diese Meldung bekommen:

Xendesktop Server 7.14 bringt sporadisch Es kommt Meldung «Die Verbindung zu «Remote Pool» ist fehlgeschlagen. Status (Der von Ihnen ausgewählte Citrix XennApp-Server nimmt keine Verbindungen an.)

Oder manchmal startet es die Remote VM , und schliesst nach 5 Sekunden wieder

Im REceiver Log vom Client bei AutmanSrv kommt:

06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   CSecondaryTokenTable::GetTokenByProtScope protScope=https://tester.test.ch:443/{462e915c-3069-4e94-96a6-b2ad29f6028f}
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   Found token=(secondary id=token#10, tokenfamily=tf#2, credsfamily=creds#2 value=<withheld>, protscope=https://tester.test.ch:443/{462e915c-3069-4e94-96a6-b2ad29f6028f}, created=06/27/17 12:06:00, lifetime=0.01:00:00, expiry=06/27/17 13:06:00, discard=(never), refresh=(never), tokenserviceurl=empty, protocol=, credskey= cert='')  
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   .   .   .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   .   .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   CClientCertificateAuthenticatingTransaction::SendAndReceive
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   CAMSSLContextTracker::GetContextFor 'https://tester.test.ch/Citrix/Roaming/Accounts'  
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   Context not found
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   .   .   .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   CWindowsHttpTransaction2::CheckedSendAndReceive
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   CWindowsNetworkServices::TryGetIEProxyInfoForUrl url=https://tester.test.ch/Citrix/Roaming/Accounts
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   .   CWindowsNetworkServices::TryGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   .   .   Succeeded
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   .   Trying proxy auto-detect (WPAD)
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   .   .   CWindowsNetworkServices::TryGetAutoProxyForUrl
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   .   .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00 *WRN* T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   WinHttpGetProxyForUrl call failed; last error=12180
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   .   .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   .   Using manual proxy config.
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   .   The manual proxy info settings contains an empty proxy list string.
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   .   No proxy info found
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   .   .   .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   CWindowsHttpTransaction2::GetServerCertificate
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   .   .   .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        .   .   .   .   .   certificate='Hash [8f-40-23-1b...]'  
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   .   .   .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   .   .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        .   .   .   challenge=<empty>
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        .   .   CAuthHttpRequestImpl::SendAndReceive completed with a response
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        }
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        CAuthHttpRequest::GetResponseStatusCode client='AppReceiver WinHttpClient:Receiver.exe:9812:15' object=AuthHttpRequest#85  
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        {
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   CAuthHttpRequestImpl::GetResponseStatusCode
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        .   .   Status code=200
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        }
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        CAuthHttpRequest::ReadResponseBodyStream client='AppReceiver WinHttpClient:Receiver.exe:9812:15' object=AuthHttpRequest#85, for 10239 bytes  
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        {
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   CAuthHttpRequestImpl::ReadResponseBodyStream
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        .   .   Read 1144 bytes
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        }
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        CAuthHttpRequest::ReadResponseBodyStream client='AppReceiver WinHttpClient:Receiver.exe:9812:15' object=AuthHttpRequest#85, for 9095 bytes  
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        {
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   CAuthHttpRequestImpl::ReadResponseBodyStream
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        .   .   Read 0 bytes
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        }
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        CAuthHttpRequest::ReadResponseBodyStream client='AppReceiver WinHttpClient:Receiver.exe:9812:15' object=AuthHttpRequest#85, for 10239 bytes  
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        {
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   CAuthHttpRequestImpl::ReadResponseBodyStream
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        .   .   Read 0 bytes
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        }
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        CAuthHttpRequest::GetResponseStatusCode client='AppReceiver WinHttpClient:Receiver.exe:9812:15' object=AuthHttpRequest#85  
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        {
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   CAuthHttpRequestImpl::GetResponseStatusCode
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        .   .   Status code=200
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        }
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        Destroyed AuthHttpRequest#85
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        CAuthManager::CancelAllCalls client='AppReceiver WinHttpClient:Receiver.exe:9812:15' object=authman#13  
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        {
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   CAuthManImpl::CancelAllCalls
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00003680        .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00003680        }
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00003680        Destroyed authman#13
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00001E3C        .   .   .   .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        .   .   .   .   CWindowsHttpTransaction2::GetServerCertificate
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        .   .   .   .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00001E3C        .   .   .   .   .   certificate='Hash [8f-40-23-1b...]'  
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00001E3C        .   .   .   .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00001E3C        .   .   .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00001E3C        .   .   .   challenge=<empty>
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00001E3C        .   .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00001E3C        .   .   CAuthHttpRequestImpl::SendAndReceive completed with a response
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00001E3C        .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00001E3C        }
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        CAuthHttpRequest::GetResponseStatusCode client='SelfService-9352:SelfService.exe:9352:1' object=AuthHttpRequest#84  
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        {
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        .   CAuthHttpRequestImpl::GetResponseStatusCode
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00001E3C        .   .   Status code=200
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00001E3C        .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00001E3C        }
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        CAuthHttpRequest::GetResponseHeaders client='SelfService-9352:SelfService.exe:9352:1' object=AuthHttpRequest#84  
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        {
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        .   CAuthHttpRequestImpl::GetResponseHeaders
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00001E3C        .   .   Got 9 headers
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00001E3C        .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00001E3C        }
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        CAuthHttpRequest::ReadResponseBodyStream client='SelfService-9352:SelfService.exe:9352:1' object=AuthHttpRequest#84, for 8192 bytes  
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        {
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        .   CAuthHttpRequestImpl::ReadResponseBodyStream
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00001E3C        .   .   Read 4017 bytes
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00001E3C        .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00001E3C        }
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        CAuthHttpRequest::ReadResponseBodyStream client='SelfService-9352:SelfService.exe:9352:1' object=AuthHttpRequest#84, for 8192 bytes  
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        {
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        .   CAuthHttpRequestImpl::ReadResponseBodyStream
06/27/17 12:06:00     > T:00001E3C        .   {
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00001E3C        .   .   Read 928 bytes
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00001E3C        .   }
06/27/17 12:06:00     < T:00001E3C        }
06/27/17 12:06:00       T:00001E3C        Destroyed AuthHttpRequest#84

Fehlerlog im Storefront Server:

The Citrix servers reported an unspecified error from the XML Service at address http://test.test.local/scripts/wpnbr.dll [NFuseProtocol.TRequestAddress].

Eventi ID 4003

All the Citrix XML Services configured for farm Test_XD_76 failed to respond to this XML Service transaction

Failed to launch the resource 'Tester_XD_76.W7_Support_VM $S27-20' using the Citrix XML Service at address 'http://TesterCTXDC02.rzTester.local/scripts/wpnbr.dll'. All the Citrix XML Services configured for farm Tester_XD_76 failed to respond to this XML Service transaction.  
com.citrix.wing.SourceUnavailableException, PublicAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
All the Citrix XML Services configured for farm Tester_XD_76 failed to respond to this XML Service transaction.
   at com.citrix.wing.core.mpssourceimpl.MPSFarmFacade.GetAddress(Context ctxt, String appName, String deviceId, String clientName, Boolean alternate, MPSAddressingType requestedAddressType, String friendlyName, String hostId, String hostIdType, String sessionId, NameValuePair cookies, ClientType clientType, String retryKey, LaunchOverride launchOverride)
   at com.citrix.wing.core.mpssourceimpl.MPSLaunchImpl.GetAddress(Context env, String appName, String deviceId, String clientName, Boolean alternate, MPSAddressingType requestedAddressType, String friendlyName, String hostId, String hostIdType, String sessionId, NameValuePair cookies, ClientType clientType, String retryKey, LaunchOverride launchOverride)
   at com.citrix.wing.core.mpssourceimpl.MPSLaunchImpl.LaunchRemoted(Dictionary`2 parameters, Context env, AppLaunchParams appLaunchParams)
   at com.citrix.wing.core.mpssourceimpl.MPSLaunchImpl.Launch(Dictionary`2 parameters, Context env, AppLaunchParams appLaunchParams)
   at com.citrix.wing.core.applyaccessprefs.AAPLaunch.Launch(Dictionary`2 parameters, Context env, AppLaunchParams appLaunchParams)
   at com.citrix.wing.core.clientproxyprovider.CPPLaunch.Launch(Dictionary`2 parameters, Context env, AppLaunchParams appLaunchParams)
   at com.citrix.wing.core.connectionroutingprovider.CRPLaunch.Launch(Dictionary`2 parameters, Context env, AppLaunchParams appLaunchParams)
   at com.citrix.wing.core.bandwidthcontrolprovider.BCPLaunch.Launch(Dictionary`2 parameters, Context env, AppLaunchParams appLaunchParams)
   at Citrix.DeliveryServices.ResourcesCommon.Wing.WingAdaptors.OverrideIcaFileLaunch.Launch(Dictionary`2 launchParams, Context env, AppLaunchParams appLaunchParams)
   at Citrix.DeliveryServices.ResourcesCommon.Wing.WingAdaptors.LaunchUtilities.IcaLaunch(IRequestWrapper request, Resource resource, LaunchSettings launchSettings, DateTime metricsStartTime, String retryKey)

com.citrix.wing.core.xmlclient.types.TransactionStatusException, Private, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
   at com.citrix.wing.core.xmlclient.transactions.ErrorResponsePacket.handleError(XmlServiceErrorInfo errorInfo)
   at com.citrix.wing.core.xmlclient.transactions.nfuse.AddressTransaction.ParseResponse(TResponseAddress addressResponse)
   at com.citrix.wing.core.xmlclient.transactions.ParsedTransaction.Transact()
   at com.citrix.wing.core.mpssourceimpl.MPSFarmFacade.GetAddress(Context ctxt, String appName, String deviceId, String clientName, Boolean alternate, MPSAddressingType requestedAddressType, String friendlyName, String hostId, String hostIdType, String sessionId, NameValuePair cookies, ClientType clientType, String retryKey, LaunchOverride launchOverride)

No available resource found for user RZtester\oktest when accessing desktop group Remote_VM. This message was reported from the Citrix XML Service at address http://testerCTXDC01.rztester.local/scripts/wpnbr.dll [NFuseProtocol.TRequestAddress]. 

irgeniwe gibt es immer ein Problem mit dem Citrix Store Service, der dann sagt. Keine freie Ressourece für User so und so. Obwohl 5 Registrierte Maschinen in 2 Pools bereit stehen


Content-Key: 341747

Url: https://administrator.de/contentid/341747

Printed on: April 24, 2024 at 10:04 o'clock

Member: GrueneSosseMitSpeck
Solution GrueneSosseMitSpeck Oct 12, 2017 at 10:38:24 (UTC)
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1.) wirf die Updates raus falls irgend möglich.

ihr solltet in Zukunft solche Upates validieren, bevor ihr sie in die produktive Umgebung anwendet. Ich hab mir mal mit einem Update auf Vsphere Seite eine Horizonview Umgebung samt Management server zerschossen, und mußte die VMX DAteien händisch neu einhängen weil die dusselige Bestandsdatenbank vom Vcenter Server gleich mit kaputtgegangen war. Es gibt leider immer wieder böse Kombinatinoen an Xendesktop / Vsphere / Vcenter Server Kombinationen die einem das Leben sehr sehr schwer machen.

2.) es kann sein daß die VMs im Pool als "busy" reported werden, wenn a) die CPU-Last zu hoch ist b) fälschlicherweise als full erkannt wird oder c) schlimsmtenfalls ist der Broker service selbst kaputt.
Mitglied: 131455
131455 Oct 12, 2017 at 12:25:25 (UTC)
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Habe den Pool neu generiert . Nun lauft der.
