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VMware Backup per Batch Datei


Also ich habe folgendes Problem ich will/muss eine laufende VMware Maschine sichern.
Sprich ich will sie stoppen sichern und wieder anschalten und den ganzen Spass
dann per Batch Datei das Problem ist wenn ich stop per VMware Command mache
verlangt er nach einer Eingabe. Das behindert die Automatisierung weitgehend ;)
Wäre super wenn mir jemand helfen kann.

Helferlein (der auch mal hilfe braucht)

Content-Key: 43570

Url: https://administrator.de/contentid/43570

Printed on: April 28, 2024 at 21:04 o'clock

Mitglied: 6890
6890 Nov 02, 2006 at 14:26:50 (UTC)
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dafür gibt es die wunderschöne Vmware-Perl-Scripting-API.

mit der kannste maschienen runterfahrn, starten, stoppen, anlegen, supenden ....

vorausgesetzt du kannst ein wenig Perl und hast die installiert face-smile

mfg godlike P
Member: Helferlein
Helferlein Nov 02, 2006 at 14:29:43 (UTC)
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Installiert ist sie jetzt nur leider kann ich wenig bis gar kein perl kann mir jemand
den Befehl schnell senden. Dürfte sich ja nur um 2 - 3 Zeilen handeln.


Vielen Dank schonmal im Voraus
Mitglied: 6890
6890 Nov 02, 2006, updated at Oct 18, 2012 at 15:57:23 (UTC)
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Installiert ist sie jetzt nur leider kann ich
wenig bis gar kein perl kann mir jemand
den Befehl schnell senden. Dürfte sich
ja nur um 2 - 3 Zeilen handeln.

damit ist es nicht getan, du musst natürlich perl installiert haben und die vmware module für perl eingebunden haben.

mit 2 bis 3 zeilen is das leider nich getan face-sad

denn die frage ist ja dann ob du dann gleich alles in perl realisierst, oder ob du perl nur zum stoppen der maschienen nimmst (was natürlich relativ sinnfrei wäre, 2 scriptsprachen für etwas zu nutzen was man auch mit einer realisieren kann).

das wäre für dich gleich die möglichkeit perl zulernen face-smile
kannst dir ja mal mein tutorial anschauen face-wink
Eine kleine PERL-Einführung

mfg godlike P
Member: Helferlein
Helferlein Nov 02, 2006 at 14:40:20 (UTC)
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OKey Vielen Dank,

Ich versuch mich jetzt mal daran leider hat es ein wenig Dringlichkeit also wenn
jemand so freundlich ist und mir ein script zukommen lassen könnte wäre ich sehr dankbar.

Member: Supaman
Supaman Nov 02, 2006 at 16:21:01 (UTC)
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Member: Supaman
Supaman Nov 02, 2006 at 16:21:12 (UTC)
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oder das hier:

@echo off

set rechner1=test1
set rechner2=test2
set rechner3=test3

set ziel=D:\VMWare\Production
set quelle=D:\VMWare\_Template

cd "C:\Programme\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API"

::Es werden nun alle VM`s überprüft ob sie laufen und wenn nötig heruntergefahren

if exist "%ziel%\%Rechner1%\Windows XP Professional.vmdk.lck" goto shutdownvm1
if exist "%ziel%\%Rechner2%\Windows XP Professional.vmdk.lck" goto shutdownvm2
if exist "%ziel%\%Rechner3%\Windows XP Professional.vmdk.lck" goto shutdownvm3

call vmware-cmd "%ziel%\%Rechner1%\Windows XP Professional.vmx" stop trysoft
call vmware-cmd -s unregister "%ziel%\%rechner1%\Windows XP Professional.vmx"
goto check

call vmware-cmd "%ziel%\%Rechner2%\Windows XP Professional.vmx" stop trysoft
call vmware-cmd -s unregister "%ziel%\%rechner2%\Windows XP Professional.vmx"
goto check

call vmware-cmd "%ziel%\%Rechner3%\Windows XP Professional.vmx" stop trysoft
call vmware-cmd -s unregister "%ziel%\%rechner3%\Windows XP Professional.vmx"

if exist "%ziel%\%Rechner3%\Windows XP Professional.vmx.lck" goto wait

::Templates werden zurück kopiert, und vorhandene Ordner umbenannt


::Rechner werden nun wieder in das Inventory des VMWare-Servers gelesen und gestartet

if exist "%ziel%\%Rechner1%\Windows XP Professional.vmx" goto register1

if exist "%ziel%\%Rechner2%\Windows XP Professional.vmx" goto register2

if exist "%ziel%\%Rechner3%\Windows XP Professional.vmx" goto register3

call vmware-cmd -s register "%ziel%\%rechner1%\Windows XP Professional.vmx"
call vmware-cmd "%ziel%\%rechner1%\Windows XP Professional.vmx" start
goto check3

call vmware-cmd -s register "%ziel%\%rechner2%\Windows XP Professional.vmx"
call vmware-cmd "%ziel%\%rechner2%\Windows XP Professional.vmx" start
goto check4

call vmware-cmd -s register "%ziel%\%rechner3%\Windows XP Professional.vmx
call vmware-cmd "%ziel%\%rechner3%\Windows XP Professional.vmx" start


echo Alle VM`s laufen wieder!!
Member: Supaman
Supaman Nov 02, 2006 at 16:21:42 (UTC)
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oder das hier: if exist C:\Daten\VM13-Semkat\semkat\Linux.vmdk.lck goto shutdown

goto copyme

call vmware-cmd C:\Daten\VM13-Semkat\semkat\Linux.vmx stop trysoft

if exist C:\Daten\VM13-Semkat\semkat\Linux.vmdk.lck goto warten

goto copyme

call robocopy.exe "C:\Daten\VM13-Semkat\semkat" "Y:\Aktuell\Server\Semkat" /E /ZB /COPY:DATSOU /R:0 /W:0

call vmware-cmd C:\Daten\VM13-Semkat\semkat\Linux.vmx start
Member: Supaman
Supaman Nov 02, 2006 at 16:22:22 (UTC)
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oder lieber eines in visual basic:

' Copyleft saxa aka Alexander Kaufmann, 2006
' Written just for fun; total Open Source.
' Use it at your own risk.
' The script uses the VmCOM API for the virtual machine operations.
' The virtual machine *must* have the VMware Tools installed, in order to perform the
' shutdown and heartbeat operations correctly.
' It works on Windows 2000 SP4 and newer; it doesn't use the NTBackup utility.
' The script runs on the local host only; it cannot be used to connect to a remote VMware Server.
' The script *can* backup to the network share, if you have the appropriate permissions to do it.
' For the backup jobs it uses the command line version of 7zip: get it on http://7zip.org/download.html.
' You need the "7-Zip Command Line Version". Or, just download the full install - there is also a 64 bit
' version available.
' We assume that the 7zip executable is included in your %PATH% variable.
' Most probably you already have a folder with your tools, where you will also save this script.
' We have on each of our servers the folder C:\Program files\myTools created and it is added to %PATH%.
' Please see Windows Help on how to add a folder to %PATH%.
' Here I go again (c) ;))
' To use the command line version of this script (non-interactive mode):
' We assuming that all of our .vmx files are named vm.vmx.
' The name itself doesn't matter, but it must be the same for every virtual machine.
' If you don't like vm.vmx, please change the following variable correspondingly.

vmfile = "vm.vmx"

' We also assume that all of your virtual machines are located in the appropriate subdirectories
' of *one* directory; in other words, we need a flat structure.
' See the variable "vmpath" and change it to your needs.
' Here is a sample of correct directory layout:
' D:\Virtual Machines\
' Virtual Machine 1\
' vm.vmx
' hdd1.vmdk
' hdd1-flat.vmdk
' hdd2.vmdk
' hdd2-flat.vmdk
' other_file.ext
' Virtual Machine 2\
' vm.vmx
' disks\
' some weird disk 1.vmdk
' some weird diskette.flp
' As you can see, subdirectories are also allowed. It's only important that your .vmx file is placed
' on the (in this sample) second level, say, the full path to .vmx must be
' D:\Virtual Machines\Virtual Machine X\vm.vmx for every virtual machine.
' The subdirectory where the virtual machine is located is very important for this script:
' it's the virtual machine's identifier.
' In our sample these are "Virtual Machine 1" and "Virtual Machine 2" respectively.
' You will start the script as follows:
' vm-backup.vbs "Virtual Machine 1"
' or
' vm-backup.vbs "Virtual Machine 2"
' to backup the Virtual Machine 1 or Virtual Machine 2.
' If you want to use the script in a sheduled task, you must use the following command line:
' wscript.exe vm-backup.vbs "Virtual Machine 1"
' to backup the Virtual Machine 1.
' The script does the following:
' The virtual machine gets the command to shut down it's operating system.
' The script waits 30 seconds and than checks the state of the virtual machine.
' If the vm still runs, the script waits 30 seconds more and so on.
' As soon as the vm is off, the script copies the vm's folder into the backup location
' (see the "bkpath" variable and change it if you would like to; UNC paths are accepted).
' If the vm couldn't be shut down, the mail is sent to the admin,
' the error is written in the Windows application log.
' After the copying is done, the vm receives the command to start, if it was running before the operation has begun.
' 30 seconds later, and then every 30 seconds, the script checks the heatbeat of the vm.
' As soon as the vm at 300 or more units of heartbeat, the script starts to create
' a compressed archive from a previously copied vm directory.
' At that point of time is the vm already up and running.
' A .zip archive receives the following name: YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS-Virtual Machine 1.zip
' The creation of the .zip file takes it's time: on Pentium 4 (with Hyperthreading, single core)
' 2.8 GHz machine with 3 GB RAM is the duration of compress operation on a virtual machine
' having 2 virtual HDDs at 16 and 36 GB was about 2 hours. Though it is worth the effort:
' the resulting file has the size of 3.6 GB: compare it to 52 GB uncompressed ;).
' So, after the .zip file is ready, the script checks if there were any errors produced by 7zip.
' If there are some, the Windows Application log is misused for the registration of them.
' If not, then we can safely delete the copy of the vm used as a source for compression and create the record
' of successful backup operation in the Application log.
' The interactive mode (if you start the script without any parameters) does the same.
' You can manually name your zip file.

vmpath = "D:\Virtual Machines\"

' Please don't forget the ending backslash!
' vm -> Directory where the VM files are located: the machine name is received from the argument.

' bkpath -> Destination directory; here are temporary backups created,
' and here you will find your .zip files.
' The user who runs the script must have the write permissions on directory / network share.

bkpath = "E:\backups\"

' In the variable seven_zip_switch you can provide the additional switches for the command line of 7zip.
' The most thinkfully switch is " -v4g" (don't forget the leading space!). It causes the splitting of your
' archive into volumes at 4 GB. Please read the 7zip's manual about the -v switch.

seven_zip_switch = ""

adminmail = "mail@domain.com" 'Here you'll receive mail messages.

smtp = "smtp.domain.com" 'Your SMTP server must be able to relay the mails for your mail address. IP address is also OK.

On Error Resume Next

' Common definitions...

Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set cp = CreateObject("VmCOM.VmConnectParams")
Set server = CreateObject("VmCOM.VmServerCtl")
Set thevm = CreateObject("VmCOM.VmCtl")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set wshNet = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set mailing = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

mailing.From = lcase(wshNet.UserName & "@" & wshNet.ComputerName & "." & wshNet.UserDomain)
mailing.To = adminmail
mailing.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
mailing.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = smtp
mailing.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25

header = "Backup Script for VMware Virtual Machines" 'Just the title for message boxes...

Function iso_date(byval dt)

' The function does nothing interesting...

dim y: y=year(dt)
dim m: m=month(dt)
dim d: d=day(dt)
dim h: h=hour(dt)
dim n: n=minute(dt)
dim s: s=second(dt)

if m < 10 then m="0" & m
if d < 10 then d="0" & d
if h < 10 then h="0" & h
if n < 10 then n="0" & m
if s < 10 then s="0" & s

iso_date = y & "-" & m & "-" & d & "-" & h & n & s

end Function

' Here we are getting the name of the VM delivered by the script argument; it must be only one. Or, no one.

Set args = WScript.Arguments

If args.Count=1 Then 'We are in the mode with predefined vm by parameter, way = "a(utomatic)"
vm = args(0)
vmfolder = vmpath & vm
vmfile = vmfolder & "\" & vmfile

zipfile = bkpath & vm & "-" & iso_date(now) & ".zip"

tmpfolder = bkpath & vm

way = "a"

ElseIf args.Count=0 Then 'We are in the interactive mode, way = "i(nteractive)"

vmfile = inputBox("Please enter the full path to the .vmx file of the virtual machine you want to backup:",header,vmpath)

' Quit if cancel

if vmfile = "" then


end if

vmfolder = fso.GetParentFolderName(vmfile)

vmparent = fso.GetParentFolderName(vmfolder)

vm = Replace(Replace(vmfolder, vmparent, ""),"\","")

bkfile = bkpath & vm & "-" & iso_date(now) & ".zip"

zipfile = inputBox("Now, please enter the full path to the .zip file the script will create:",header,bkfile)

' Quit if cancel

if zipfile = "" then


end if

tmpfolder = fso.GetParentFolderName(zipfile) & "\" & vm

way = "i"


' There is more than one argument provided: write the error message into the application log and bye.
' There is no message box / email here.

errNoVMfile = "Incorrect Input." & VbCrLf & "The directory where the Virtual Machine files" & VbCrLf & "are resided must be provided as argument." & VbCrLf & "If the directory name contains spaces," & VbCrLf & "please add the " & Chr(34) & " sign at the beginning" & VbCrLf & "and at the end of the Virtual Machine's name." & VbCrLf & "The reading of the source code" & VbCrLf & "of the vm-backup.vbs script may help ;)"

wshShell.LogEvent 1, errNoVMfile


End If

' Try to connect to server 10 times

connected = False
For tries_srv = 1 To 10
server.Connect cp
If Err.number = 0 Then
connected = True
Exit For
End If
WScript.Sleep 10000

If Not connected Then

'Connection to server couldn't be established; we write something into the application log or/and send a message...

errNoConnectSRV = "The Backup Script for VMware Server couldn't create an appropriate connection." & VbCrLf & "Please check if all of the VMWare Services are up and running." & VbCrLf & "Please keep in mind, you can run this script on the local host only."

wshShell.LogEvent 1, errNoConnectSRV

mailing.Subject = header & ": Critical Error"
mailing.TextBody = errNoConnectSRV

if way = "i" Then
crySRV = msgBox(errNoConnectSRV,vbCritical,header)
end if


End If

' Connect to the virtual machine. You remember, what the "vmfile" is?

' Try to connect to vm 10 times

connected_m = False
For tries_vm = 1 To 10
thevm.Connect cp, vmfile
If Err.number = 0 Then
connected_m = True
Exit For
End If
WScript.Sleep 1000

If Not connected_m Then

'Connection to vm couldn't be established; we write something into the application log or/and send a message...

errNoConnectVM = "The Backup Script for VMware Server couldn't connect to the virtual machine " & vmfile & "." & VbCrLf & "Please check if the path to .vmx file correct is and if the virtual machine is registered on your server." & VbCrLf & "Please keep in mind, you can run this script on the local host only."

wshShell.LogEvent 1, errNoConnectVM

mailing.Subject = header & ": Critical Error"
mailing.TextBody = errNoConnectVM

if way = "i" Then
cryVM = msgBox(errNoConnectVM,vbCritical,header)
end if


End If

' Enough with checking face-smile
' Get the ExecutionState of the vm to know if it must be started after backup complete

' Const vmExecutionState_Off = 2
' Const vmExecutionState_On = 1
' Const vmExecutionState_Stuck = 4
' Const vmExecutionState_Suspended = 3
' Const vmExecutionState_Unknown = 5

' now we need only 2 states

ps = thevm.ExecutionState

if ps = 1 then

was_on = true ' It must be powered on after backup

elseIf ps = 2 then

was_on = false ' After backup do nothing


' If vm stucks, suspended or in unknown state... Who needs such backups? We create some errors.

errState = "The Backup Script for VMware Server couldn't get the correct state of the virtual machine " & vmfile & "." & VbCrLf & "Correct states are on and off only." & VbCrLf & "A vm with pending question, such as new SID after copying or moving, cannot be backed up, too."

wshShell.LogEvent 1, errState

mailing.Subject = header & ": Critical Error"
mailing.TextBody = errState

if way = "i" Then
cryVM = msgBox(errState,vbCritical,header)
end if


end If

' Heartbeat. It's the approximate number of seconds from the start of VMWare Tools inside the vm.

hb = thevm.Heartbeat

if was_on = true then

if hb < 1 then ' VMWare Tools not installed or cannnot be contacted...

' VM without VMWare Tools can only be backed up if it was off...

errTools = "The Backup Script for VMware Server couldn't contact the VMWare Tools on the virtual machine " & vmfile & "." & VbCrLf & "Therefore it cannot be shut down correctly." & VbCrLf & "Please shut down the vm manually. Afterwards it can be backed up."

wshShell.LogEvent 1, errTools

mailing.Subject = header & ": Critical Error"
mailing.TextBody = errTools

if way = "i" Then
cryTools = msgBox(errTools,vbCritical,header)
end if


end if

end if

' start/stop
' Const vmPowerOpMode_Hard = 1
' Const vmPowerOpMode_Soft = 2
' Const vmPowerOpMode_TrySoft = 3

' Now stopping...

getoff = thevm.stop(2)

isoff = False

For tries_off = 1 To 10
ps = thevm.ExecutionState
If ps = 2 Then
isoff = True
Exit For
End If
WScript.Sleep 60 * 1000
ps = 0


If Not isoff Then

'The vm couldn't be shut down: very critical...

errNoShutDown = "The Backup Script for VMware Server couldn't shut down the virtual machine " & vmfile & "." & VbCrLf & " in a reasonable time." & VbCrLf & "Please check it's state."

wshShell.LogEvent 1, errNoShutDown

mailing.Subject = header & ": Critical Error"
mailing.TextBody = errNoShutDown

if way = "i" Then
cryNoShutDown = msgBox(errNoShutDown,vbCritical,header)
end if


end if

' Machine is shut down and can be copied

copyVM = fso.CopyFolder(vmfolder,tmpfolder) 'checked

' Machine copied!

if was_on = true then 'Power on the vm if it was on

geton = thevm.start(2)

' Wait until the heartbeat becomes more than 300

ison = False

For tries_on = 1 To 20
hbs = thevm.Heartbeat
If hbs > 300 Then
ison = True
Exit For
End If
WScript.Sleep 30 * 1000
hbs = 0


If Not ison Then

'The vm couldn't be start up: very critical...

errNoStart = "The Backup Script for VMware Server couldn't power on the virtual machine " & vmfile & "." & VbCrLf & " in a reasonable time. Maybe the machine could not start the VMWare Tools." & VbCrLf & "Please check it's state and / oder configuration."

wshShell.LogEvent 1, errNoStart

mailing.Subject = header & ": Critical Error"
mailing.TextBody = errNoStart

if way = "i" Then
cryNoStart = msgBox(errNoStart,vbCritical,header)
end if


end if

end if

' Now the vm is up and running. It is copied and ready to be compressed

backup_string = "7za a -tzip " & chr(34) & zipfile & chr(34) & " " & chr(34) & tmpfolder & "\*" & chr(34) & seven_zip_switch

' Now create the archive...

backup_vm = wshshell.Run(backup_string,0,true)

if backup_vm > 0 then

' The zip file wasn't created

errNozip = "The Backup Script for VMware Server couldn't create a zip file." & VbCrLf & "Please check if you have enough disk space on " & tmpfolder & " and run / shedule the backup script again."

wshShell.LogEvent 1, errNozip

mailing.Subject = header & ": Critical Error"
mailing.TextBody = errNozip

if way = "i" Then
cryNoZip = msgBox(errNozip,vbCritical,header)
end if


end if

' Now delete the temporary backup folder...

deltmp = fso.deleteFolder(tmpfolder) 'should be ok

' And send some messages.

success_message = "The Backup Script for VMware Server backed up the virtual machine " & vmfile & " successfully." & VbCrLf & "Backup is saved as " & zipfile & "."

wshShell.LogEvent 0, success_message

mailing.Subject = header & ": Operation Successfully Completed"
mailing.TextBody = success_message

if way = "i" Then
cryS = msgBox(success_message,vbExclamation,header)
end if

Member: ElAssistente
ElAssistente Jun 25, 2007 at 15:40:41 (UTC)
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Hallo Leute,

ich hab mir eure Post durchgelesen und mit viel Zeit mit Google hab ich mir ein Script zusammengebaut obwohl ich eigentlich noch nie ein Script geschrieben habe. Langsam verzweifle ich aber leider.

Wenn ich das Script ausfühe wird die Maschine zwar angehalten, aber danach hört das Script auf zu arbeiten und kopiert die Dateien nich wie er eigentlich soll.

Den Teil mit "xcopy" hab ich bis heute nicht verstanden. Ich habs auch schon mit Robocopy.exe versucht aber da Blicke ich auch nicht ganz durch.

Ich will, dass mein Script die virtuelle Maschine anhält, die Verzeichnisse kopiert und danach die VM wieder startet.

Wie gesagt, stoppen kein Problem..
Wenn ich das Script nur mit dem start Teil ausführe geht es auch nur der Kopierteil funktioniert nicht.

Ich arbeite mit der VMWare Server Console 1.0.2 build-39867.. Der Host läuft mit WIN 2003 Server SE, das GastSystem ebenfalls.

Ich poste mal mein Script und hoffe mir kann jemand helfen... (Die Logfileerstellung funktioniert übrigens...)

echo off

:: # initialise variables
Set ServerName=SACSNWD2
Set BackupBinFolder=c:\backup
Set BackupLogFolder=c:\backup\logs\stop_services
Set LogFile=%BackupLogFolder%\sacsnwd2_stop_services_%DATE%.log
Set MaxLogAge=14

set rechner1=vsacnwd300-vm06

cd "C:\Programme\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API"

if exist "%ziel%\Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition.vmdk.lck" goto shutdownvm1 goto ende

call vmware-cmd "F:\VMWARE-SERVER\VSACNWD300\VSACNWD300-VM06\Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition.vmx" suspend

call vmware-cmd "F:\VMWARE-SERVER\VSACNWD300\VSACNWD300-VM06\Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition.vmx" getstate

if suspend() = 1 goto copystart goto

echo INFO: Kopieren der Festplattendateien

robocopy.exe "F:\VMWARE-SERVER\VSACNWD300\VSACNWD300-VM06" "G:\Backup VM-Ware" /E /ZB /COPY:DATSOU /R:0 /W:0

call vmware-cmd "F:\VMWARE-SERVER\VSACNWD300\VSACNWD300-VM06\Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition.vmx" start

echo %DATE% %TIME% Stopping VM Ware on %ServerName% >> %LogFile%

echo %DATE% %TIME% Deleting logfiles older than %MaxLogAge% days >> %LogFile%
cscript %BackupBinFolder%\DeleteOldLogFiles.vbs %BackupLogFolder% %MaxLogAge% >> %LogFile% 2>&1
echo %DATE% %TIME% done >> %LogFile%

echo %DATE% %TIME% Copying Data completet. >> %LogFile%

:: Delete Variables
Set BackupBinFolder=
Set BackupLogFolder=
Set MaxLogAge=
Set LogFile=
Set ServerName=


Danke im Vorraus.. ElAssistente
Member: software-dude
software-dude Mar 05, 2009 at 19:12:28 (UTC)
Goto Top
Hallo, es ist ja na ganz schöne Zeit vergangen seit dem Beitrag, aber vielleicht stolpert ja dennoch jemand über dieses Problem. Mittlerweile gibt es ja kommerzielle Lösungen, z. B. vom Symantec.

Infos auf Symantecs Hompage

Hier gibt es auch ein Forum, wo solche Fragen behandelt werden. Ist aber auch von einem kommerziellen Anbieter.

Backup VMware im Forum

Backup VMware Agent wohl als Sonderangebot

Das sind sicher Lösungen die was kosten, aber wenn dadurch Zeit gespart wird, warum nicht. Ich hoffe, das war hilfreich. VMware ist ja sehr am Markt verbreitet. Überhaupt hat sich die Virtualisierung sehr dynamisch entwickelt. Backup Exec ist ja auch so eine Art Marktführer. Ich erinnere mich noch, als die mal Arcada hießen, dann kam glaube ich Segate, irgendwann mal Veritas und Symantec face-smile