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Wins-Fehler beim Lesen UPD-socket Ereignis 4204

Hi zusammen,
ich habe folgendes Problem auf einem W2003 Domänencontroller (DC,DNS,DHCP und WINS server)
- alle 40 Minuten bekomme ich einen Eintrag im Eventlog (Wins-Fehler beim Lesen UPD-socket Ereignis 4204)
- Microsofts Infos mit Neuinstallation des WINS haben nichts gebracht und alle im Netz gefundenen Beiträge waren sehr dürftig
- der Fehler ist nicht lebensbedrohlich da WINS auch sauber arbeitet, aber der Fehler im Eventlog nervt.
- PS im gleichen NW existiert noch eine 2. Domäne mit einem W2K Server
Hat hier jemand noch eine gute Idee??
Besten Dank im Voraus.

Content-Key: 14953

Url: https://administrator.de/contentid/14953

Printed on: May 4, 2024 at 21:05 o'clock

Member: hitazcl
hitazcl Aug 26, 2005 at 07:31:26 (UTC)
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Member: Baerle
Baerle Jul 22, 2006 at 10:28:06 (UTC)
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Hat bei mir nicht bewirkt!

Member: Baerle
Baerle Jul 22, 2006 at 10:36:24 (UTC)
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Jetzt: Mögliche Lösung:

From your problem description, I understand this issue to be: the SBS
server is experiencing the following error on WINS: "Event ID: 4204 - WINS
could not read from the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) socket." These errors
occur every 40 minutes. If I am off base, please feel free to let me know.

I believe that this issue is the result of a destination host unreachable
message being sent in response the WINS service Automatic Partner
Configuration function. The default is for a multicast service announcement
to be sent out over the wire every 40 minutes. The feature is designed to
let the WINS servers announce themselves for automatic replication. The
idea is as an alternative to statically configured WINS replication
partnerships. Most people are not using this and your issue should be
easily resolvable with the following registry settings:

Entry Value Name: UseSelfFndPnrs
Data type: REG_DWORD
Value: 0

Entry Value Name: McastIntvl
Data type: REG_DWORD

Furthermore, there are also some cases that this issue is caused by Network
Appliance (unknown brand) send the ICMP Port Unreachable back to the server
from the IGMP (multicast) WINS packets. You could take these Network
Appliance offline to resolve this issue.

