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Psts auslesen und in .txt-datei speichern


ich hab gerade ein brett vor meinem kopf und bitte daher inständigst um eure hilfe!

es gibt eine .bat-datei, die u.a. eine .vbs-datei aufruft und deren ergebnisse wiederum in eine .txt-datei speichern soll - zur grundlegenden erklärung.

das ist die .bat-datei:
(namentlich "Drucker-Netz-Psts_auslesen.bat")
net use >C:\pstPfade\netz.txt
reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices" >> C:\drucker.txt  
\\server1\cscript \\server1\software$\pstPfade.vbs >C:\PST-Export.txt

das wäre die .vbs-datei:
(namentlich die 3 zeilen drüber angeführte pstPfade.vbs)
Option Explicit 
Dim ws, fso 
Dim arrProfilesG(), NumProfiles, DefaultProfile, i 
Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")   
Set fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")   
For i = 0 To NumProfiles - 1 
DispLine "Quiting Script..."   
Set fso = Nothing 
Set ws = Nothing 
Sub ChkScriptHost() 
    If InStr( Lcase(WScript.FullName), "wscript.exe") Then   
        Dim ws 
        Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")   
        ws.Run("%ComSpec% /k cscript.exe //nologo """ & WScript.ScriptFullName & """")   
        Set ws = Nothing 
    End If 
End Sub 
Sub DetectPST() 
    Dim KeyPath, strComputer, FoldersKeyPath, objWMIReg, arrProfiles, i, j, k, l, NumProfiles, PSTFound 
    Dim strValue, KeyValue, NumFolders, KeyName, PSTKeyName, PSTPath, PSTVersion, arrFolders(), FolderName, NumPST 
    Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001 
    strComputer = "."   
    KeyPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\"   
    On Error Resume Next 
    DefaultProfile = ws.RegRead("HKCU\" & KeyPath & "DefaultProfile")   
    Set objWMIReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")   
    objWMIReg.EnumKey HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KeyPath, arrProfiles 
    On Error GoTo 0 
    NumProfiles = UBound(arrProfiles) + 1 
    ReDim Preserve arrProfilesG(NumProfiles - 1, 2) 
    For i = LBound(arrProfiles) To UBound(arrProfiles) 
        FoldersKeyPath = "HKCU\" & KeyPath & arrProfiles(i) & "\9207f3e0a3b11019908b08002b2a56c2\01023d00"   
        On Error Resume Next 
        strValue = ws.RegRead(FoldersKeyPath) 
        If Err = 0 Then 
            For j = LBound(strValue) To UBound(strValue) 
                If strValue(j) < 16 Then 
                    KeyValue = KeyValue & "0" & LCase(CStr(Hex(strValue(j))))   
                    KeyValue = KeyValue & LCase(CStr(Hex(strValue(j)))) 
                End If 
            NumFolders = (Len(KeyValue) / 32) 
        End If 
        On Error GoTo 0 
        arrProfilesG(i, 0) = arrProfiles(i) 
        NumPST = 0 
        PSTFound = False 
        For k = 1 To NumFolders 
            FolderName = ""   
            PSTPath = ""   
            PSTVersion = ""   
            KeyName = Mid(KeyValue, ((k - 1) * 32) + 1, 32) 
            PSTKeyName = "HKCU\" & KeyPath & arrProfiles(i) & "\"& KeyName & "\001f6700"   
            On Error Resume Next 
            strValue = ws.RegRead(PSTKeyName) 
            If Err = 0 Then 
                For l = LBound(strValue) To UBound(strValue) 
                    If strValue(l) <> 0 Then PSTPath = PSTPath & Chr(strValue(l)) 
                FolderName = ws.RegRead("HKCU\" & KeyPath & arrProfiles(i) & "\" & KeyName & "\001e3001")   
                If Err = 0 Then 
                    PSTVersion = "97-2002"   
                    PSTFound = True 
                    NumPST = NumPST + 1 
                    ReDim Preserve arrFolders(2, NumPST - 1) 
                    arrFolders(0, NumPST - 1) = FolderName 
                    arrFolders(1, NumPST - 1) = PSTPath 
                    arrFolders(2, NumPST - 1) = PSTVersion 
                    strValue = ws.RegRead("HKCU\" & KeyPath & arrProfiles(i) & "\" & KeyName & "\001f3001")   
                    For l = LBound(strValue) To UBound(strValue) 
                        If strValue(l) <> 0 Then FolderName = FolderName & Chr(strValue(l)) 
                    PSTVersion = "2003"   
                    PSTFound = True 
                    NumPST = NumPST + 1 
                    ReDim Preserve arrFolders(2, NumPST - 1) 
                    arrFolders(0, NumPST - 1) = FolderName 
                    arrFolders(1, NumPST - 1) = PSTPath 
                    arrFolders(2, NumPST - 1) = PSTVersion 
                End If 
            End If 
            On Error GoTo 0 
        arrProfilesG(i, 1) = PSTFound 
        arrProfilesG(i, 2) = arrFolders 
    Set objWMIReg = Nothing     
End Sub 
Sub DispLine(Text) 
    WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Text     
End Sub 
Sub DispMsg(Text, Num, Keyword1, Keyword2) 
    Select Case Num 
        Case 0, 1 
            DispLine Replace(Text, "&k", Keyword1)   
        Case Else 
            DispLine Replace(Text, "&k", Keyword2)   
    End Select 
End Sub 
Sub ChkNumProfiles() 
    NumProfiles = UBound(arrProfilesG, 1) + 1 
    DispMsg "Found " & NumProfiles & " &k for this user.", NumProfiles, "profile", "profiles"   
    DispLine "Default Profile: " & DefaultProfile   
End Sub 
Sub ChkNumFolders(i) 
    Dim NumFolders, TotalNumFolders, j 
    DispLine ""   
    DispLine "Checking Profile: " & arrProfilesG(i,0)& " ..."   
    If arrProfilesG(i, 1) = True Then 
        TotalNumFolders = UBound(arrProfilesG(i, 2), 2) + 1 
        For j = 0 To TotalNumFolders - 1 
            If arrProfilesG(i, 2)(2, j) = "97-2002" Then   
                NumFolders = NumFolders + 1 
            End If 
        DispMsg vbTab & "Found totally " & TotalNumFolders & " personal &k under profile " & arrProfilesG(i, 0) & ".", NumFolders, "folder", "folders"   
        DispLine ""   
        DispPSTInfo(arrProfilesG(i, 2)) 
        If NumFolders > 0 Then 
            DispMsg vbTab & "Found " & NumFolders & " &k old version.", NumFolders, "is", "are"   
            DispLine vbTab & "No old version personal folder found."   
        End If 
        DispLine vbTab & "No persional folder found."   
    End If 
End Sub 
Sub DispPSTInfo(arrFolders) 
    Dim i 
    For i = LBound(arrFolders, 2) To UBound(arrFolders, 2)  
        DispLine vbTab & "Folder Name: " & arrFolders(0, i)   
        DispLine vbTab & "Path: " & arrFolders(1, i)   
        DispLine vbTab & "Format: " & arrFolders(2, i)   
        DispLine vbTab & "Size: " & FormatNumber(fso.GetFile(arrFolders(1, i)).Size,0,,-1) & " Bytes"   
        DispLine ""   
End Sub

wie gesagt - kopf gegen schreibtisch und so. die "netz.txt" und "drucker.txt" funktionieren 1a, aber das mit den psts funktioniert bis dato nur, wenn man die .vbs-datei "standalone" ausführt. ich bekomm die variablen nicht in die text-datei.

*finger aufzeig* hilfe.... bitte.... danke! face-smile


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Content-Key: 218371


Printed on: April 26, 2024 at 20:04 o'clock

Member: emeriks
emeriks Oct 02, 2013 at 12:50:25 (UTC)
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Hallo adler123,
mal abgesehen davon, dass Du bei DER Formatierung nicht wirklich viel Antworten erwarten kannst ...

Warum schreibst Du aus der VBS nicht gleich in eine Datei? Also statt "WScript.StdOut" gleich "fso.OpenTextFile", als "append"?

Member: MartinBinder
MartinBinder Oct 02, 2013 at 13:04:51 (UTC)
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\\server1\cscript \\server1\software$\pstPfade.vbs >C:\PST-Export.txt
Was ist denn \\server1\cscript für ein Aufruf??? face-smile